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Everything posted by Donatello

  1. welcome, zemus is a good lad indeed
  2. welcome hope you like it here in wg
  3. crayon hmm? welcome haha =]
  4. welcome, I too like my chemical romance what is your favorite song by them? Also dont feel bad about coming off direct with your old clan, its just the way some of us are with our tones, we just have to be true to our selves, i know you didn't mean to be negative, you sound like a pretty smart guy. Anyways welcome and good luck
  5. welcome man! india thats so cool, hope u like it with us
  6. welcome back logout its been a long time lol
  7. welcome to the forums king h0d0r. If it helps you take a look at other applications that have been accepted under "join." Even though you edited it, it does require alot more writing than that. cheers friend
  8. congrats he changes colors too!
  9. welcome, nice meeting u at the WT event earlier
  10. welcome i like your application, hope you enjoy WG
  11. welcome! I feel like i learned such a great deal about you from your application. you definitely write very, very, unique lol. Good luck with your application man!!
  12. Welcome to the forums, Good luck with your application man
  13. Donatello

    [Accepted] Effayy

    Welcome to the forums. Maybe you should include a little more details to your application, past experiences? No clans at all extra. More details helps the process of application run a lot smoother friend : )
  14. Good start to your application, a little more details goes along way with your application being accepted or not. Provide a photo of your stats as well. Welcome to the forums and good luck =]
  15. I always see you in the Clanchat you're a solid player. Hope you can write more and expand your application and hope to see you a member. Good luck
  16. welcome to the forums. Nice application. We also do PVM not only are a pk clan. We host different fun events for skilling as well. Happy to see your application man
  17. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Donatello What is your current RS name? Donatello List any previous RS names: Just Donatello What is your total level and combat level? 1763 total level and combat level 114 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I have been playing RuneScape since 2004, I played in 8th grade but I didn't fully start playing for good till 9th grade. I Learned how to type from this game and I played and maxed before eoc came out. I have alot of experience except for raiding so far in this game. Tell us about your clan history. Ive been in blood vipers in the early 2000s, I was also in zer0_pvm and most currently I was in Wg for a year and some change but i resigned last year. I decided on a fresh start, hoping to be useful to the clan. Tell us about your yourself. Im a full time worker, i am a manager so my schedule always changes at work. I finished my last math class that earns me my bachelors degree in liberal studies. I have to apply for my degree and enroll in the teachers credential program next. I think this will all be done by next year at the latest. I also plan to move out and live on my own this year for the first time. Im single and not in any kind of relationship. How did you hear about us? Dragisx pm'ed me years ago. I remember this clan to be a family. What makes you want to join us? Like I said, I believe in fresh starts. I had alot of good memories hosting events in this clan. Im just going to be be a present member and participate rather than host all the time. Hope someone learns something from me, because I want to learn something new at the same time. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I resigned before and most people got along with me. If anyone has an issue with me joining again let me know.
  18. nice solid application. good luck on your application and welcome.
  19. welcome, your application acts detail in different places in it, if you include more in it im sure your application would do much better. Good luck with your application over all ; )
  20. nice lol. well a little bit more info will help out your application alot. welcome to the forums tho ; D
  21. welcome friend, hope you like our clan. good luck on ur application
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