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  1. Welcome! Good luck on your application.
  2. Hey welcome!! Always love seeing apps including interest for gwd! Anything GwD related, you can count me in. Funny you jumped into osrs again after hearing about the mobile client. That's exactly how it was for me, and I have also been sucked back into the scape life. Haha. Goodluck on your app, and hopefully we can run some gwd trips in the future :).
  3. Hey man! Welcome and good luck on your application! Jealous you get to surf .. Aways wanted to try it out. living in the midwest makes it a bit.. Difficult lol.
  4. Welcome scotti! Really like the app man, very nice. Thought it was pretty cool how ice barrage was your reasoning for loving magic as a skill because that was always the exact same reason why i loved magic myself. And mentioning how cwars when it was popular.. Lmao i always wanted to ice barrage everyone at cwars when playing as a kid. Memories I wish you the best of luck pal!
  5. Hey buddy welcome back, and good luck on your app. Never fun losing your rank, re-applying and working for your ranks back glad you decided to apply again though. Best of luck!
  6. Welcome sir! That's unfortunate to hear that about your ironman account :/. Best of luck on your app and your new account grind !!
  7. Hey good luck mate, i too enjoy slayer very much!
  8. Welcome sir. Goodluck with the application!
  9. Good luck m8 . told you to apply cuz i need more bossing buddies glad you did haha.
  10. Welcome, goodluck.
  11. BUENO SUERTE MI AMIGO!! love the name break down made me lol. Greek mythology is awesome. Haha
  12. Goodluck man lol
  13. Nice app goodluck!
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