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  1. Welcome and Good Luck.
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  3. Darthlox

    [Accepted] 1 gf

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  8. Welcome and good Luck..
  9. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Darthlox What is your current RS name? Darthlox List any previous RS names: Aritional/VeitMyani/(Old ACC)ChinaTown What is your total level and combat level? Combat Level 101 Total Level 847 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I started playing RuneScape around 2005-08 On my old account which is lost right now. Darthlox is the main account I’ve always been on. I chose the name because I liked Starwars character Darthmaul, so that’s where “Darth” comes from. “Lox” comes from Goldylox the story. I mostly like pvp, always been a big pvp person. Generally I love to tank during pvp. Also when needed.. I’d be able to do it, to help the clan in pk fights Tell us about your clan history. Well, I was clan friend for Downfall for 1 year pre-eoc on rs3. On “ChinaTown” (Old Account). I did a lot of pking trips with them on rs3. I’m currently in Crazed Pkers in RS3 “Elite Rank.” I was also the Warlord for Crazed Pkers for 2-4 years. Been in Crazed Pkers for awhile in Rs3. I was in Wilderness Guardians in RS3 for a bit of Pvp. It was for a year or so, can’t remember full time exactly.. As well as did Darkscape with WG. I was in TR, “New Bloods program” For 1-2 Years. On old school. Tell us about your yourself. I’m a male, . I’m African American. I’m from the US. I run track and play American Football. I love to paint as well. I’m not just an athlete How did you hear about us? When I first heard about WG was way back when WG was mainly RS3 during Pre-EOC. Purple portal fights. I know Mojo. Also, PineappleTom for Rs3 Unit. If I don’t get all the names, sorry in Advance What makes you want to join us? Pvping in Old School Again. Getting back to a strong foundational, traditional, and legacy clan. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I’m always clean...✌
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