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    MOWl WOWlE

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  1. thanks yall!!!!!!!!! having some troubles joining discord. @Mojoi messaged via private on here to get some help with my discord isuses.
  2. thanks man!
  3. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. MOWl WOWlE What is your current RS name? MOWl WOWlE List any previous RS names: only previous name was '' BrokenO_0Pvm What is your total level and combat level? 1695 total level and 115 combat! Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. ive been playing since 05 quit once eoc happened ( like the other 75% of runescape ) and rejoined the day old school came out<3 been back everyday since;) Tell us about your clan history. havent been in one in years norm just join sparc macs<3 Tell us about your yourself. well my names tyler i am 22 from washington state, i work full time as a forklift operator love my cars, my guns and my reefer<3 How did you hear about us? scrolling threw the fourms<3 What makes you want to join us? well in just the short period of time ive been hanging around the clan chat, ive really liked the vibes and most of the people ive came across everyones super laid back and full of energy witch i love i feel as wg would be a great home for me..... Hope to talk and get to know y'all better very soon<3 Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: when this account was orginaly made i used it quite often for scamming duel arena and luring people ( was orignaley a zerker account ) has been years since ive done eaither and dont plan on it.
  4. hey guys, my names tyler i am 22 from washington state west coast usa, i work full time as a forklift operator and love playing osrs in my spare time<3 ive been playing runescape its self since back in 2005 took a long break after eoc came out and rejoined once osrs was released!!!! been playing everyday since<3 currently one of my biggest goals in old school is quest cape currently at 235 of 269 looking forward to geting to know each and everyone of y'all planing to apply in the near future!
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