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About Beefytron


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  1. Welcome!
  2. Beefytron

    [Accepted] Kemqq

    Welcome to WG!
  3. Welcome to WG. I would recommend beefing up your application answers a bit. It helps us when figuring out who really wants to be a part of the clan. Hope to see you around the CC soon!
  4. Welcome dude. What branch were you in? I'm in the Army.
  5. Welcome man. I'm at Bragg right now. Always nice to see vets joining WG
  6. Welcome to the clan
  7. Welcome to the clan! I've been here for a few years now, you're gonna enjoy the clan it's filled with a lot of cool and knowledgeable people
  8. Welcome back! Where ya stationed at? Im at Bragg right now
  9. Welcome to WG! Don't worry about the inactivity, I went to basic training and AIT and after 5 months I was still welcomed back with open arms. WG 4 life!!
  10. Welcome to WG!
  11. Welcome to WG
  12. Welcome to WG!
  13. Welcome to our clan!
  14. I never was in a clan either before this one. No plans on ever leaving now. It's like a fam. Welcome aboard
  15. Good to have you back
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