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l00t omfg

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  • RS Name
    l00t omfg

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  1. it's an american saying
  2. thanks for the kind words, an gotta respect your last name XD
  3. Thanks! Hope for some fun content in the future
  4. Appreciate the kind works Ty appreciate that ty
  5. Thanks! Look forward to what's ahead XD
  6. Thanks! I look foward to learning all the new content XD.
  7. Thanks
  8. thanks! Hopefully we can learn together. Cya around
  9. thanks for the kind words an hospitality XD. Looking forward aswell.
  10. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. l00t omfg What is your current RS name? l00t omfg List any previous RS names: R six What is your total level and combat level?116.7 Have all the untradables ex: (fcape, elite void/fcape/imbued bring/herb sack/rune pouch/graceful. My account was hacked june of 2018, an just got it back yesterday. Finished mm2/dragon slayer 2/all the important hard/elite diary's. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I've been playing RS since 2006. I never really got into rs3, an ruturned when OSRS was released. This account was hacked from me a year an half ago which in return made me quit, due to the lack of motivation until yesterday after 15+ recovery attempts. This account is raid ready, but haven't dont COX/TOB as i just got my account back. I've always loved PVP/PVM an cant wait to get back to it. Tell us about your clan history. Back in the day i was in Mayhem makers/Evolution of pures/Phalanx. Never been in a main clan, an looking forward to learning new raids/make new friends. Tell us about your yourself. Hey my name is CJ i'm 25 from the US an love gaming. I've played pc games since early 2004 with WoW/Cs 1/5/RS classic etc. I'm a very sociable person an get along well with everyone. I'm currently a working in the IT field as a data analysis/ volunteer firefighter. Went to school at UD. Love all types of music except opera sadly. The only dislikes i have are complaining. How did you hear about us? From back in the day(word to mouth)/Runefest What makes you want to join us? I really respect the fact of working together/non toxic behavior/the rules of honoring the clan's history. I'm wanting to help others/learn the new raids(XOC/TOB). Also i mainly want to make new friends, due to the fact i got my account back after 2 years nearly an itching to meet new friends an learn new raids etc. Mainly just looking for a mature clan who enjoys to pvp/pve an have a good time. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Never botted/RWT'd/spying/any offences on my accounts of any sort. I think i would be a great addition to the clan due to the fact that im very likable, i help other's, an i do not like any drama.
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