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Ellumination's Achievements

  1. Keep it Going!
  2. Ill Have to check it out!
  3. Damn it Cat. Beat me to it!
  4. You are funny. Kinda obvious that the first one is fake.
  5. It would have been nice to have the options of using HD gfx. But I think it would be a bit of a hindrance is some situations.
  6. Yo, How is your bank so empty/clean? I am at 723/800 item slots. I guess I should be featured on the next episode of OSRS Hoarders.
  7. The Following is just a copy of the intro from our old forums. First thing is first, Yes I realize that Ellumination is Spelled with an I not a E. Now that is out of the way, my name is Daniel. I am 23 years old, I graduated with an associates degree in Television and Media Production. Currently I work full time as an Estimator and Project manager for a flooring company. Occasionally, I do some freelance video recording and editing work. I am not a fan of loud environments because I have single sided deafness on my right side. Because of this, my hearing in my left ear is heightened, it is also difficult to locate where certain sounds are coming from. Fortunately, I just had a surgery to get the first part of a Bone Anchored Hearing Aid, which after three months of healing, will allow me to hear out of my right side for the first time in1 17+ years. At the moment my hobbies include the following: - Listening to Music - Driving (Manual Transmission FTW) - Gaming (Overwatch, Runescape, Witcher 3, Guild Wars 2, HoTs [occasionally]) - Going to the movies - Small Social Gatherings - Occasionally making a gaming Video. (Haven't done one in a while.) Some of the things that I do not like include: - Assholes (The Person kind, not the between two cheeks kind) - Smoking - Drinking (I have one drink every so often) (Have had a total of 11 drinks since turning 21) - Any kind of medication that impair my judgement or mobility I check the clan's Discord pretty frequently to see if anyone is in a voice channel, because I am really not a fan of typing in game. That is pretty much it at the moment. Feel free to message me if you would like to play a game other than Runescape.
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