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  1. Saradomin Sword from Zilyana...
  2. Foxing

    [Accepted] Foxing

    Maybe? You're teasing. I'm going to bug you about corp with the reminder I haven't had an Ely since almost 6000 KC ago! I missed pet once or twice in WG to some very low KC, as it goes, but I've missed 14 pets to my teammates and truly don't get upset. Sometimes I feel like getting the pet would end half of my osrs existence. Thank you everyone for more kind welcoming! @Corbula, I'm so glad we never lost touch. You're one of the best people I've ever met and I'm talking you into all kinds of wacky duo nightmare and similar adventures.
  3. Foxing

    [Accepted] Foxing

    Thank you all! Definitely nice to see so many of you again I truly don't think there were EVER issues among myself and other members, so it's all positive memories. I'm still just guesting in the chat and now I'm kicked "members of the clan only allowed" it says. I'm being patient while you do your thing looking me up and all of that, just eager to be a member again. Seems people don't want to raid or boss with guests in the cc :') but I understand!
  4. Made it out of this one with 8 hp and 1 prayer point but earlier after some complaining he gave me this... nvm files too large - it was a 2nd pet earlier and then a virtus robe bottom. I'll put log in comments because it's kinda messed up.
  5. Foxing

    [Accepted] Foxing

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Foxing What is your current RS name? Foxing List any previous RS names: None! (Sorry I accidentally applied as a temp member, I want to be full time.) What is your total level and combat level? 2277/126 What Timezone are you in? EST Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Played since 2002 or 2001, it was classic. I hated it. RS2 took my middle school by storm and here we are like 22+ years later. I made this account as a random side account bck in 2005 or 6.....So it's RS3 stats are virtually non-existent. I went from nerdy skiller as a kid and teenager to full time pvmer in my 20s and 30s. Been on OSRS since it opened in 2013. Tell us about your clan history. I used to be in WG and left to pursue my own CC, if i remember correctly, back in late 2019. I am hearing stories of people mentioning me during long Corp trips ;) <3 Recently I was in a PVM cc, however I did disagree with the leadership for banning my friend for something silly, and I left on my own accord without making too much of a fuss. Just a little fuss. I never had issues in WG there's a reason I am still looking to come back. Tell us about your yourself. Bald and aging. I like punk rock, math/emo/screamo/hardcore/metal etc. Music has been a huge influence on my daily life since VERY young childhood. Foxing is an American indie band who gained a bit of fame. I encourage you to check them out if you like softer rock, but with intense moments of shouting sometimes. I recall being their 19th like on Facebook before they got famous and they've been my favorite since. Thank you last fm! How did you hear about us? Truly dont remember.. im friends with Corb, Yasti, Corpi, Hugboat, Bryan, several others What makes you want to join us? My past experience of my corp team pulling like 500 sigils in a month including about 9 elys just in December of 2019. I would hold events and we'd corp for days without rest. I never found anyone so dedicated to corping in any other group, except some boosting discord, which I yelled at them for making me lose 120 ranks on the leaderboard and got banned. :)) Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I once borrowed my friends Twisted Bow when I was an alcoholic, about 7 or 8 years ago. I blacked out and lost my bank. I paid him back as best as I could. I worked and sent him irl coin to buy bonds. He got frustrated that I couldn't pay him more than 50m a week and blocked me. I offered probably 5 times to give him a tbow back if he unblocked me, but he didn't. So I gave up. It's been years. I'm not on RW or anything. I have split dozens of megarares. Scythes, bows, elys, etc. I'm well known as NOT a scammer in the higher end PVM community. Many people here can vouch for me. I was the designated sigil splitter, particularly elysians, when I corped with WG. People knew to trust me and gave me the sigils to split, and I pulled enough on record with screenshots and never once scammed. I feel awful to this day about my former friend but I gave him more than enough chances to take his bow back after I could afford my own. I can't chase after somebody anymore to give what they won't accept. I was admin in the discord "Castle Drakan", and they have put me up as some big rat and thief in the past. I'm an honest guy who used to have a bad problem and I made a mistake. I've since been sober since jan 3 2020... apologies for the long post, Ask Corpi, Yasti, all of them for proof of my legitimacy if you need any further clarification. Thanks!
  6. Sup my darling?

    1. Ghost Sabre
    2. Foxing


      I miss Corpi. I hear he's very busy irl which is probably best, instead of playing this! He used to be like a little brother to me, I'm sad that time has done its' thing. Hope to see ya soon!

  7. Foxing Tell us about yourself. Hello, I was in the clan in 2019-2020. I never forgot my favorite heroes to Corp with. I ran my own thing and had to take care of that, so I long left that go and played around with other clans. I think I like it here, most. I inspired Corpi to take that username with my old clan name, I believe :'D. I love that dude, and Yasti. There's a lot of you I look forward to remembering and a lot I look forward to meeting! Clan history. This Clan, My own "Corpi V" and actual clan name in game "Kalma [Sanguis]". How did you hear about us? ah hell idk its been too long... Do you plan to join? YES Any last comments? Any CMers, ToB, Corp hmu I'm guesting in the CC til I can join back! :)
  8. Gzzzz!!! Looks like you had plenty of supps left too :))
  9. For future reference, SWIMMING or using My Cat doesn't offer any legal protection or anything but I understand. I've been through it. for me its alcohol and benzos. I hope you work out sobriety and find what works for you. Meth is the most misleading or at least tied with benzos IMO. Because you think it makes you more functional, and oh does it. Then a few weeks later the paradoxical effects begin and you're strung out, have nobody, nothing and say and do things you either forget/and/or never would have normally said or done. bein in jail and psych wards sucks fucking dick. i was in a bad one in a bad city two years ago. sometimes it can be a blessing too... fearing for your life what do they say 3 hots in a cot? sleeping with one eye open every day. watching people get beat downs just for looking at someone. hell, when the nurse cut me off my Klonopin taper I threw a tantrum and smashed the Fanta Machine, which was the only luxory other than constant supplies of Raisin Bran, for when each meal inevitably sucked so bad you'd almost rather starve. btw, i was the tallest and possibly strongest dude in my ward and I feared for my life just the same as the smallest nerdy dudes. this little puerto rican guy was half my height and woulda whipped my ass just because thats how it is. they know how to fight. they live that life. its nowhere i ever want to return to or see friends and loved ones end up at. Bryan's advice is solid btw and grats to you brother. I tried AA and NA and felt too cultish for me, tho it works for others. Therapy became a chore so I quit that too. Just manned up and faced the reality - keep doing what you're doing and end up dead or in jail, or at very best homeless and not getting laid or anything like that..... Or quit drugs and live life. Best luck, and remember when they WILL tell you to take it one day at a time, really, take it one day at a time. I don't think two fucks if im gonna be sober tomorrow. I know im sober today. With love, Foxi
  10. welcome aboard. interesting read!
  11. he split arcane sigil as a non rank, let him in!
  12. I have a bad history with mental health. I'm lucky to be alive. Still an everyday struggle but you keep fighting and learning to cope, you build stronger. Life is precious. Reach out, get help. F the stigma. 11 years of therapy I gave up, it wasn't for me. Or maybe getting sick of therapy was my therapy. Being locked up in the ward for a few weeks in a very dangerous area with horrible people. that'll haunt me forever. I wrote a webpage for it and published it when it all happened, I let the domain expire but you can read it on wordpress if you like. Take care, always feel free to contact me with anything. I've been through a lot , like most people, but mental health issues plague me since I could form memories all the way thru adulthood.... https://dreamshiver.wordpress.com/ an excerpt: " An Introduction to Insanity May 14, 2018 ~ Leave a comment “Brandon, Brandon, Brandon!”, her voice repeated in a loud whisper – yet soothing – in what felt like a divine spirit of some sort speaking to me through some spiritual medium. I must have fallen asleep. I slowly opened my eyes and removed my hat from my face to reveal the blinding fluorescent lighting above, only to realize that there was nobody there. I was alone in [my] room. Again, I closed my eyes and heard the beautiful girl’s voice two more times. I must have fallen asleep yet again – after all, I was awake for about forty hours prior to this. Eyes again opened and this time fully conscious and aware of my surroundings, as I heard the loud conversations and shouts of arguments and violent vomiting from detoxing heroin addicts, it had struck me like baseball bat to the head. I was in the detox unit of the psychiatric ward and there was nobody calling my name. Yet somehow, the clock nearly stood still. It’s likely that no more than two hours or less had passed. To this day that voice still haunts me. Was I dreaming? Was I hallucinating? Was this some divine experience? I’ve never encountered anything like that before in my entire life, and I’ve been used to the nightly fucked up vivid dreams that Prozac has and continues to burden me with for a decade." with love, foxi
  13. yeah tons, but black bears. not afraid of them. they always run away
  14. Foxing

    [Accepted] Bry4n

    Bryan good.
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