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GHB Salesmen

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    GHB Salesmen

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  1. Ribbit!
  2. Thanks! We're all entitled to our own opinions
  3. Thanks guys! Btw My other account I will be in cc with is K2 Salesmen. Thanks !
  4. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. GHB Salemen What is your current RS name? GHB Salemen List any previous RS names: Seabear, Criminal Tax, West Dragon What is your total level and combat level? Total Level-1573 Combat Level-107 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I started playing in 2005, started pking in 2006. I was rank 5 or 6 in bounty hunter kills back in 2009 for the old bounty hunter worlds back in the day. I also did a lot of bounty hunter crater aswell. ( Med crater ) Stopped playing when EOC came out. Been playing OSRS since day 1 with a few breaks in between mainly Pking but some PVM mixed in aswell. Tell us about your clan history. None Tell us about your yourself. My name is Luke i'm 25 from USA These days it seems I have no one to play with and find myself pking on 2-3 of my own accounts at once. I would love to have a reliable community to be able to have some fun deep wild and multi. I enjoy a little PVM as well currently grinding all wilderness pets on my main! How did you hear about us? WG N3bby told to me apply What makes you want to join us? A reliable community of people to PK and Pvm with that know what they are doing! Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I ate over 40 papa johns pizzas in 30 days
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