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High Guardian
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Scott last won the day on May 5

Scott had the most liked content!

About Scott


  • RS Name
    Devils Dart

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729 profile views

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  1. Scott

    j dm

  2. Welcome, looking forward to pking with you.
  3. Welcome, it would make things easier to PK with us if you went with a med level build perhaps. Will make it hard if we can't attack low levels that hit you. We do have some who PK with us that are in the low 100's though. Look forward to scaping with you.
  4. Another Canadian, nice. Welcome to WG, was fun pking with you earlier.
  5. Welcome to WG, was fun pking with you today.
  6. Scott


  7. Scott

    [Accepted] Thog64

    Welcome back. Just in time for DMM
  8. Scott


    Good to chat with you again bud. Stick around a while if even just to chat.
  9. Scott

    [Declined] Boxxy PK

    Welcome to WG
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