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Everything posted by 1bobo1

  1. Welcome my dude!
  2. 1bobo1

    [Accepted] SlNFUL

    Welcome, GL !
  3. Wish my eternal gem would count ;(
  4. hahahaha
  5. Great app, good luck man!
  6. Good luck, stats are low but the more time you train the more we get to know you !
  7. Good luck brother, not much info but seems like you know a person or 2.
  8. Welcome, nice app, great info!
  9. Please reapply with a ton more about you please.
  10. Very good start
  11. wast of money to me....
  12. Dont worry i reported for you!
  13. 1bobo1

    [Accepted] TheSoap

    Very good app, love the sarcasm you will fit in.
  14. Im still at 0 pets.....
  15. Welcome, decent app!
  16. Good Luck! Welcome
  17. Welcome!
  18. Welcome, nice app!
  19. Welcome back!
  20. 1bobo1

    [Accepted] Ayymz

    Nice app, good luck.
  21. 1bobo1

    [Declined] gn1015

    Good luck on the check, need more info in my opinion.
  22. 1bobo1

    Sexy cape

    Nice, i got mine last weekend!
  23. GJ MAN !!!!!!
  24. its good on xbox1, need dlc asap kinda boring already lmao
  25. I played Vanilla and want to play again!!!!!
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