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His Lordship

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His Lordship last won the day on June 9 2024

His Lordship had the most liked content!


About His Lordship


  • RS Name
    His Lordship

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  1. Hi everyone, it's been a little while.
  2. I'm not doing another cosplay. The last one was so much effort.
  3. It's not real I have to adapt it from an octopus recipe.
  4. I can't yet cook the following things: - Ugthanki (camel meat unavailable in NZ) - Toad or Worm Crunchies (unavailable in NZ) - Beers and ciders (saving for later) - Recipe for Disaster foods (saving for later)
  5. I love that Vio thinks he's lose a fight against a cat. Sorry about the crappy editing in the middle. I tried a few times to fix it but my software was acting up. I'll try harder next time.
  6. omg. this is hideous.
  7. I like you already! Please get in
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ipejzv/varrock_palace_is_hilariously_badly_designed_and/
  9. HOLY SHIT! I had forgotten this existed!
  10. Welcome to the world Faye! Congratulations to you mate. Any update on how she and mom are doing?
  11. A small piece of beef steak.
  12. Good idea, but that's not my area of knowledge. I'm not really PKing with the clan. I support promoting new stuff, but I'm not the guy who should do that
  13. I meant to say RS tunes
  14. Please don't choose more than 3. I can't count your vote if you do.
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