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His Lordship

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Everything posted by His Lordship

  1. Hi everyone, it's been a little while.
  2. I'm not doing another cosplay. The last one was so much effort.
  3. It's not real I have to adapt it from an octopus recipe.
  4. I can't yet cook the following things: - Ugthanki (camel meat unavailable in NZ) - Toad or Worm Crunchies (unavailable in NZ) - Beers and ciders (saving for later) - Recipe for Disaster foods (saving for later)
  5. I love that Vio thinks he's lose a fight against a cat. Sorry about the crappy editing in the middle. I tried a few times to fix it but my software was acting up. I'll try harder next time.
  6. omg. this is hideous.
  7. I like you already! Please get in
  8. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/ipejzv/varrock_palace_is_hilariously_badly_designed_and/
  9. HOLY SHIT! I had forgotten this existed!
  10. Welcome to the world Faye! Congratulations to you mate. Any update on how she and mom are doing?
  11. A small piece of beef steak.
  12. Good idea, but that's not my area of knowledge. I'm not really PKing with the clan. I support promoting new stuff, but I'm not the guy who should do that
  13. I meant to say RS tunes
  14. Please don't choose more than 3. I can't count your vote if you do.
  15. Please upvote on Reddit if you like it! And don't forget to nominate me for a Golden Gnome if you enjoyed it.
  16. Zach, it's honestly so great to hear from you!!! Welcome back! I'm still around this community though I don't scape much. Please do add me. What's your RSN these days? Sn0wzak?
  17. This is such a beautifully done application. What a breath of fresh air to see someone put in the effort. Thank you... that can't have been quick... but I really appreciate the detail!
  18. I recorded this special version in commemoration.
  19. Welcome to the forums mate. It was just a blast chatting with you the other day. It's been too long!
  20. Please forgive the poll spamming. I have looked everywhere for camel meat in New Zealand and I can't source it. I have to wait until I next visit Australia, where it will be easily accessible.
  21. This topic is so cool to me because when I first did it in like 2004, everyone posting was 12 or 13 years old, literally the ages of the kids I'm teaching in school. Now the photos are of people WITH kids, and it blows my mind.
  22. Pick your favourite option. Note that I can't cook the following this time: * Any kind of pie (I recently did a pie) * Gnome food (waiting for access to exotic ingredients) * Recipe for disaster foods (saving for later) * Potions (impractical)
  23. You were in DoA?! Oh man! Our war against DoA in 2005 is probably the most important war we've ever had. Were you part of it?
  24. Same reason to play Runescape as many of us. One of the silver linings of COVID is that we get to relive the nostalgia
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