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Generic Kemp

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Generic Kemp last won the day on March 20 2020

Generic Kemp had the most liked content!


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    Generic Kemp

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  1. Looks like some great ideas, just need to see how they end up being implemented
  2. Rs3 variant
  3. I’m still waiting
  4. Gz killin’ it
  5. That is sick! Well done mate
  6. That’s seriously good, took me 600KC to get the Phoenix pet and I thought that was good!
  7. I guess the moral of the story here is you never know who’s reading your public conversations for social engineering purposes!
  8. Hope so! Looking forward to it
  9. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Generic Kemp What is your current RS name? Generic Kemp List any previous RS names: NA What is your total level and combat level? Total Level 1,503, Total CMB 93 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I created this account pre-EOC (a number of years back), the account has been a 1 defence build and the majority of in-game activity had been spent PVP. More recently I've taken up questing, moving the account to a Zerker, soon to be a main account above the 100 cmb req. Tell us about your clan history. No clan history Tell us about your yourself. Jonny, Male, 27, United Kingdom, College, manager, love travelling, hip hop & R&B, enjoy meeting people and dislike arrogance. How did you hear about us? Found the forum through osrs forums What makes you want to join us? Now my accounts no longer a pure (soon to be a main) I'd like to get into bossing and more end game content which I've been unable to do previously. Secondly, I'd like the idea of doing events in a clan, sounds fun! Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: clean record
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