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TheKlodster last won the day on December 3 2020

TheKlodster had the most liked content!

About TheKlodster

  • Birthday 08/09/2000


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  1. Welcome back. I remember being 7 years old playing with my friends back in 07 good times, we were clueless. Remember the day that Dungeoneering came out and my brother and I were fighting for the PC to play first, also good times.
  2. Sorry if this is not relevant but I want to post my pain and suffering into crippling depression. I will kill inferno and escape prison with hostage jal-nib-rek Day 1 ———————— Kill Inferno - Completed Get pet - Failed Day 2 ———————— Kill Inferno - Completed Get pet - Failed
  3. SUPPORT THE VENNIES!!!!!! I SUPPORT, DAVID GOT ME MY "Ah... Tzhaaaaaaar..."
  4. Welcome bro, I see you lurking around W373 GE join the 373 GE gang with me and those bankstanders that are absolute beasts, soon to be us innittttt
  5. Welcome bro! You'll fit right in here man we chill people just gayming and pking
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