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LeStrategist last won the day on September 2 2020

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  1. Hehe, now that screensharing on discord is available on mobile devices, I might try streaming one day Thank you guys
  2. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. LeStrategist What is your current RS name? LeStrategist List any previous RS names: What is your total level and combat level? Total : 1870 Combat :115 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. A proud mobile only player. Mostly PVM focused but doesn't mean I don't like teleblocking or ice-boxing people who failed to pay their wilderness taxes . 92-95+ combat stats (except defence ofc). Decent stats in everything that isn't RC, construction or herblore. Ooh, and pyramid plunders are fun ! And btw, Frog Wiz told me people didn't believe him when he said that I pked on mobile. Tell us about your clan history. Was a part of WG before, but then I took a break from OSRS. Tell us about your yourself. Asian male in the 20s. Love sports, basketball, soccer to name a couple. Enjoy video games just the same (if not more). Hobbies include reading, listening to music and puzzles (?) How did you hear about us? Forums What makes you want to join us? Was a part of WG before. Took a break from OSRS for a few months and joining back now<3 Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you:
  3. Participated in taekwondo and swimming in primary school, skating in med/high and soccer in high school and college. And I somehow ended up playing basketball mostly in uni Eyyy, it isn't boxing till you've been punched in the face
  4. Yep, mobile only
  5. Got my first CoX KC today. Shout out to @Schwag and @Generic Mate for the learner raid. Did I plank ? Yes, I got sat by olm 3 times . Vanguards was the first room and less difficult than I had thought it to be. It was pretty much smooth sailing from that point till olm started throwing a million tantrums in his room till he had to be sat down. As for the loot, got addy ores and dragon arrows for that bank loot. Was a fun event and would love to go on more CoX trips. Here's the link to Schwag's recap for the event :-
  6. Got a cox kc today :). Kinda got carried by Schwag and Generic especially at the olm fight . But it was fun nevertheless
  7. Went pking yesterday and got this boi risking half a mil with an ags as +1 at vetion. Got my biggest pk so far. Huge shout out to @Yasticaki for the callings on discord and @LazerVizionand @Skeet for being a part of the small man pk trip yesterday.
  8. Nice to hear that I'll put out a post and or ask in discord regarding the same. I do have the gear, the levels, can hop on a voice call and am eager to learn, so I shouldn't have any issues over there.
  9. Yup, working on my mage level to about 94/95 so I have access to all spells in the game and also a respectable mage level. Will get range mostly through bossing and slayer content since it's fast anyways. I did plan on buying a max poh along with the rigour+ augury but had a change of plans after I decided to go learn CoX. Gonna apply for graduation soon. I have all the requirements for it down I did buy CoX gear a couple of days ago and have been through the tutorial videos. Now to find people willing to take me through a couple of CoX runs assuming they don't nope the fuck out hearing mobile and 0kc in the same sentence . I did go on one of Crae's trips today and it was fun. Intend to do more of that in the near future. Yeah, the QC is kind of an intermediate goal. And btw, wildy was the first hard diary I got on this account and it was quite a while back tbh. Gonna push for the elite when I get some better mining levels since other reqs are pretty fast to obtain
  10. Got a Zulrah kill finally and was able to complete the hard western provinces diary. Shout out to WG Nap for suggesting me a better method than what I had in mind. It was braindead easy after that no doubt. Also got 77 prayer reaching 115cb and unlocked both rigour and augury for that awesome dps upgrade while becoming a bit broke in the process though . Kinda feels good to get all these gains put of the way and on my side now. Any suggestions for some short-mid term gains/improvements on my account ?
  11. Eyyy, now you're talking Yeah man. PC scape is gonna have way more QoL features but mobile osrs will always have a spot in my heart
  12. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. LeStrategist What is your current RS name? LeStrategist List any previous RS names: What is your total level and combat level? Total level : 1803 Combat level : 113 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started a few days/weeks after mobile release. As for favourite activities, mostly into PvM inclined towards bossing. Currently inclined more towards PvP and learning how to get better at it. Oh, and btw, a mobile only player. Tell us about your clan history. A part of FluxCC, a PvM/Skilling clan. Tell us about your yourself. A male student in early twenties from India. Hobbies include playing sports (Basketball/Soccer), video games, music and coding. How did you hear about us? OSRS forums while searching with the tag PvP What makes you want to join us? Looking for a great place where I can hang out, learn pking, get good at it and make some friends who aren't scared of the wildly along the way. This seems like a decently organised and a great place. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Mobile only, no runelite/other plugins/clients. And can't perform 27 way inventory switches and 4 way prayer switches (yet *wink*)
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