Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.
What is your current RS name? Harpwn
List any previous RS names: None
What is your total level and combat level?
1503 Total Level
114 Combat
Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.
I've played on and off runescape about 15 years. With Hardpwn name i just wanted to keep it simple and never change rsn name. Till now i also have rs3 account because since EOC been released i quit runescape and went to the rsps but now back on track!
Favourite skill/activites wouble be:
Pvming -some bosses and Cox, Pk trips, Wars.
Tell us about your clan history.
I've been in quite a lot of in rsps clans mainly on Vitality. Focused on briding and doing daily pktrips and wars. Been fighting in wars a lot against Blacknans.
Tell us about your yourself.
My name is Rad i am 24 years old from Lithuania. By a profession i am software engineer. But since being kid loved playing runescape and still here I am.
How did you hear about us? Tumpls
What makes you want to join us? I have noticed that this clan been very active in some activities and friendly with each other. If some advice needed in there you always find it. Also I found a lot of common people like me who like PVM and PK and we share common interests which i admire.
Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes
Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: None