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John Marlon

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  1. I play SC2 but I'm not very good at it yet. I only tried coop once and I was confused on how it works. I mostly play 4v4 team matches as Terran and do my best to spend down my resources asap because I hate having teammates who sit on thousands of minerals early in the game and I don't want to be that guy, lol. The hotkeys are still something the muscle memory in my fingers are getting used to. Oh, and I bought Elder Scrolls Online and dabbled an hour or two but it's overwhelming with knowing how much there is to learn. It's just something to try out when I'm bored, and might get into more when I decide to take the time to play more. Mostly, my gaming is OSRS and SC2. I don't get to play SC2 until later in the evening after work but OSRS mobile at work when it's a slow day. SC2 name: Ogimaa
  2. John Marlon

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