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Dr Biceps

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Everything posted by Dr Biceps

  1. I do not pk, but i would like to start I bet that's a bad words
  2. key pk wand What is your current RS name? key pk wand List any previous RS names: RS3: czarny smok6 OSRS: key pk wand My stats: http://sigs.vksoft.eu/oldschool/blue/no/key_pk_wand.png Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I started around 2005 and played a lot for a couple of years (I remember runescape classic). I had to stop playing because i had not enough time. Someone said: "When I heard about OSRS I started again to see if it was fun but lost interest quickly. But no one can really quit Runescape and here I am." I share that sentiment, so I have started playing Runescape again. On OSRS I'm currently working on maxing strength/range combined with slayer training. My native language is polish, I misunderstood minigame guide thats why my character has 8 defence. Tell us about your clan history. RS3: I've joined a two polish clans. OSRS: I've tried to join a pure clan, because nobody knew me there (my firend list is empty since i started playing osrs) my apply was declined. I don't remember clan name. Tell us about your yourself. I'm 25 years old. I would like to improve my englando, so i hope playing the game with other players will develop my language skills and let me get some fun. Outside of Runescape i take classes at the University, where i am studying and working. I'm phd student. In my work i'm teaching students about mechanical reliability. As a student I want to do some reasarch about renewable energy from car. I have a few ideas which i believe are completely new in automotive industry. My personality is a bit complicated, Everything in my behavior points to introvert. That's why I may not speak a lot in first days (and also my firend list is empty since i started playing osrs). For sure, it will take more time to get know each other. How did you hear about us? zybez.net What makes you want to join us? Reasons; - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=203&v=-qheSvEhvdU - "Level Requirements: None " The main reason is: - "Since 2003, the Wilderness Guardians have been an honour clan" Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: 1. I sold my RS3 account czarny smok6 (I sold this account, after Eoc update) 2. I might be useless in pvm (I can be food supplier) or pvp events because of my low defence/combat level.
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