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am a panda

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Everything posted by am a panda

  1. Death to black demons doing a slayer task, you dc.
  2. Welcome! I think we have ran into you in the wilderness a couple times before, be good to have you with us rather than against! I’m sure you’ll fit right in. edit: and solid application, nice one!
  3. Solid application man, I'm sure you'll fit right in! You say you're open to new things; come try out pking with us sometime, you might enjoy it! But even if you decide that's not for you there's plenty of other events around from general pvm, raids, skilling events and generally social games as well so you'll have a great time, I'm sure. Look forward to seeing you around.
  4. Welcome! We PK pretty regularly here so you should get your fill in for sure!
  5. Welcome! Come and enjoy the other side of pking, not being pk'd!
  6. Haha my guy this is an awesome app! Much better than mine was awesome to see you sign up, getting tassies tomorrow at bandos now for sure
  7. I have three 99s now brother, and not far from number 4 and 5! Haha. Been too long man, catch you sometime!
  8. Welcome! I'd really recommend checking out some accepted applications for some inspiration and then beefing up your own application, at the moment it's likely your application will be declined for lack of detail/effort. We aren't asking for any really personal details or a 40 page essay on why you'd like to join, just to know a little more about you! Hope to see you back soon.
  9. Welcome! Raiding on mobile is possible if you did want to give it a go, one of our guys already does this and there's plenty of learner events about to help you get into it... That said, I find it hard enough on PC so I wouldn't wanna try mobile myself:p
  10. Yooo! Welcome, you'll certainly get quite a few trips to the wilderness here whether planned or impromptu. That said - you might want to give us a bit more information about you, loving to PK is brilliant but we also want to know a bit more about you. Check out some of the accepted applications for examples!
  11. Uhhhh, I guess the closest I could get would be hunter.... Investigator looking into insolvent companies and their former director's conduct
  12. You errr... wanna share how you got the nickname "Eazy" ;)? Welcome man
  13. Ayyyy! Glad to see you put in an app man! @Frog Wiz will be glad to see it too (though you won’t see him about for a couple weeks at least)! be good to grab some more nightmare KC with you at some point
  14. Oh right, yeah it's a standard plugin "Skybox" mate.
  15. Haha cheers man. Yeah I can do, do you have any recommendations? I was trying to find a colour to stand out against wildy background..
  16. So when I used to play back in the day I quit when I was around 94 strength and I never actually made it to a 99... You get no drop party because I'm poor af, sorry not sorry. I just made it to 99 range thanks in no small part to @Yasticaki and his guide on NMZ! Unfortunately still not 95 to graduate but not far at all. Might do it by prayer as I fancy keeping 70 defence for a while and go for a decent med build. In the meantime, strength is next on the way in NMZ and I'll be bursting temple spiders for magic once I've hit 70 mage and completed Desert Treasure...
  17. Yeah. I mean you can probably stand in other squares I assume and it would probably be fine but this square I assume is the most efficient place to stand. Err in theory yes but I doubt you want to have the app open for 6 hours at a time. I don't know about you but on my iphone if I have the app closed for more than 5 minutes it logs me out so not recommended. I do recommend though having this up on your computer and using Chrome Remote Desktop which Yasti mentioned in his original post - I use this of an evening. I leave my computer on upstairs and then just login to my computer from my mobile while watching tv, tap a potion once every 20 minutes:)!
  18. No, any launcher is fine for this, even the actual OSRS launcher. Your character is in continuous combat so you won't be logged out unless you stop auto retaliating for 20 minutes OR you reach the 6 hour auto-logout point. To avoid the auto retal limit you simply need to click something once every 20 minutes.. Most people will come back or use remote desktop every 20 minutes to top up their potions (e.g. drink an overload potion or super ranging potion and top up their absorption pots if needbe). If you reach the 6 hour point then it will automatically log you out and there's nothing you can do about it. You can log straight back in and set up another one to go straight away though. Honestly this is a god send, I work 0830-1730 and do this for the whole time. I go downstairs and chill with the missus and carry on... I sometimes get 16+ hours a day LOL!
  19. Ayyy, you finally put in an application! Welcome! May want to beef it up very slightly on the yourself section for those who don't know you from the cc that much.. you could put about your previous conquests on call of duty for example! Looking forward to seeing you around
  20. Welcome! Glad you found us, we have a lot of members who both pvm and pvp so you should fit in perfectly. Ps we also semi-frequently do pure pk trips so more pures the merrier!
  21. Welcome! Glad to hear you like pking, you'll find quite a few trips here and quite a few members spontaneously out in the wildy as well.
  22. Yo, going to be trying this out next week once I’ve done the quests.. re the absorption pots, do you just down them all at the start or how many do you take to make it the 20 minutes? Thanks! @Yasticaki
  23. Welcome! Any friend of Salvas is a friend of mine!
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