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    rip romp

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Rompant's Achievements

  1. Rompant

    [Accepted] 2b 1w

  2. Welcome!
  3. Welcome!
  4. Welcome!
  5. Rompant

    [Accepted] Excise

    Welcome mate!
  6. Thanks mate and you!
  7. Hi mate, Zerk Team are a fairly large CC on OSRS, some names you might recognize are: 1 DR, Mold, Berserker, etc. Its just a large CC with a lot of PvMer and PvPers. Mainly is a Zerker clan, everybody is welcome but have to be a Zerker to have a rank!
  8. Thanks man, huge gz on your recently accepted application! Thanks mate!!
  9. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Rompant What is your current RS name? Rompant List any previous RS names: No previous names for this account. Alts(rarely used): -Kangoo -Rompant Jr What is your total level and combat level? My current combat level is: 96 and total level: 1660 I am building this account up to be a 75 attack max med level. I will finish up being 109 combat with 75 attack / 75 defence / 77 prayer. I have chosen this account build because I got bored of playing my main account and prefer the slight change and challenge of being a lower level, whilst being able to equip the most powerful gear in the game. Also, being able to hold my own against max mains in the wild and being able to hopefully challenge zerkers and pures. I have always been really interested in pking, done a lot of Edgeville pking over the years as well as a bit in the wilderness. I'm regularly at LMS, trying to improve all of the time. As well as pking, I love bossing and skilling. My main goal of this account is to grind bosses and get as many pets as possible! Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I started playing the game around 13 years ago, on other accounts and have played fairly consistently over the years, having the odd break but always returning! My name doesn't mean anything, just thought it looked cool and have always wanted a one worded, clean name. My favourite skills are defiantly Slayer and Farming! As well as most of the afk-able skills. Tell us about your clan history. I have never been part of an official clan, just in private clans with IRL friends, etc. Tell us about your yourself. My name is Ben, 22, from the UK. I am currently doing an apprenticeship, training to be a qualified electrician and almost finished! My hobbies are boxing which I attend 2/3 times a week and gaming of course! PC and Xbox One (Call of Duty currently). I like all kinds of music, Rap, Grime, etc. How did you hear about us? Through members of "Zerk Team". What makes you want to join us? I joined the CC over a week ago and have spoken with a lot of people in there, everybody was really friendly and helpful! It's nice to feel part of a community with the same interests. I would love to be a part of bossing teams, events, pking, etc. Hopefully learn new things about the game too, I've not had much experience with Raids yet and would love to learn with members of the team when my account is ready and if anyone is willing to teach! Overall, just enjoy being part of a community who help each other out and motivate each other! Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I've never been interested in botting/scamming as I've been scammed myself a few times over the years (back in the day). As far as botting goes, I've tried it on alt accounts, pre-eoc, but quickly realised I prefer to earn my money/stats as that's the whole point in the game and is a massive achievement. Never done a massive amount of botting, probably around 10 Woodcutting Levels on a F2P account, to see what all the fuss is about!
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