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About prism_alpha

  • Birthday 07/06/1992


  • RS Name
    Prism Alpha

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  1. Le Chaos Tell us about yourself. I have been here before but had to drop it due to school, prior to graduation. I am back never the less and ready to pick up where I left off, hopefully. To start with, my previous Rs name was "Prism Alpha", but it is now 'Le Chaos". Name in real life is Brandon, I was raised in Texas and attend T&M University as well. I have been playing Runescape under various accounts since 03' and I honestly don't know if or when I will let this game go. Clan history. Years and Years ago, perhaps around 8 years, I was in a clan or two, just for the pking aspect. I was also in my graduation phase and completed all requirements for this clan before dropping it due to school work becoming excessive. How did you hear about us? Google Do you plan to join? yes Any last comments? none that I haven't previously stated. looking forward to Pvming!
  2. I landed with a Master's Degree, based off of Roger the Rabbit and Eating a jar or Mustard. Who would have known!
  3. That it was time to lay..
  4. Welcome aboard! get that pking gear ready!
  5. Well Welcome! Do you play OSRS as well?
  6. Sports.. What isn't a Sport these days, almost anything can qualify, and with that being said. I went to a small school back in the day, and it was very typical to play all the sport one could handle. So that is what I did. The one I succeed at the most had to be Tennis, went to state and what not. I would like to play out and about, but I can never find anyone that wants to play! @Da Man__2003 I also play disc golf and have for a couple of years. fun game. ( I always bring a pair of swim trunks incase I lose my favorite discs. I enjoy darts, pool, as well and hunting and fishing, along with Corn hole and washers. There really isn't much I don't play, but honestly.. My favorite sport of all, but more of a Hobby, is trying new Beer, a man can't go wrong doing that.
  7. Hey, welcome! Which University/college in Texas did you get your undergraduate?
  8. Prism Alpha Tell us about yourself. Hello, I'm Brandon First things first, I am a 25 year old living in Texas, though ive just moved back and have a lot going in real life currently. I was in the US armed Forces for 7 years, as Aircraft Mechanic, enjoyed every bit of it, seen a lot of lands and a lot of different waters. Through that I will be using the College Benefits to go to University here in 2 months, studying Civil Engineering, so we will see! I am a very outdoor person, but if I am inside ever, its probably due to Runescape, to which has been part of my life since 2003. Its great to be part of a Clan again, and I look forward to seeing all of ya'll in game! Clan history. It has certainly been a long while since I have been part of a clan. How did you hear about us? Google Do you plan to join? I already have. Any last comments? I think I might have said it all in the previous paragraphs, but once again. I'm excited to get back in to PKing, for that is what I remember loving most about runescape.
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