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Elite Guardian
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Everything posted by Bry4n

  1. Yo! It's Imbryanman long time no see old friend
  2. Hey Gene! So awesome to see you pop back in. It has been so nostalgic seeing all these old friends returning over the last months, some just to say hi and some sticking around and playing the game we love so much. Hopefully you will find the time, with your return I know there will be many others to follow.
  3. Seems like a friendly guy and into PvM. Good luck on your app my friend!
  4. Bry4n

    [Accepted] CWGame

    Hey dude from what I've read in your app looks like you'll fit right in with the rest of us casuals
  5. Hey welcome back. I remember you a few times in the cc and quite a few ppl saying they joined because of you. Guess you started to be inactive right about the same time I was coming back playing. Either way welcome!
  6. Awesome you chose wg! Really helpful group here if you choose to stick around
  7. That's half the fun! And at least you enjoy doing it, so win/win. No one can hook up with every woman they talk to some like chiseled/model types no matter how douchey or braindead. Others enjoy good intellectual convo and looks don't matter too much. Hygeine always matters tho! And confidence is super important even if you feel nervous and stumbling own it!
  8. Damn I know I'm 3 months late, just now seeing this. Thx for sharing and hope your cat is staying on the right path. Speaking from experience it is a struggle, and no amount of 'professional help, begging of family, or anything will change someones behavior, it's only when you truly want to change then those things will help greatly in your journey. It took my cat losing his wife, his business, and missing out on 3 years of his daughters' life by going to prison before he truly decided to change. My cat even found out drugs are as easy to get in prison as they are on the streets, but luckily had a moment of clarity and is now 2 1/2 years clean. Good luck brother hope for the best
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