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Ssnatch It

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Everything posted by Ssnatch It

  1. Damn these names really bring back memories, runescape community forums for days
  2. The legend! WG being one of the true old 07 clans is the reason I joined. It wouldn't be that without you. Welcome back to runescape.
  3. Ssnatch It


    Very, very cool. Hope the clan continues to grow
  4. Awesome set up
  5. What I did was cancel the preorder through your profile on the App Store, then go back to the app and you should be able to download. Some people on reddit said you may need to restart phone ( I did not) Also gotta love jagex embracing the memes... w i n t e r 2 0 1 7 on a cruise right now and hoping to get some scaping laying out by the pool, hopefully the WiFi will hold up
  6. Gratz man. Ive only done Zulrah once for diary but I just kept teleing out until I got the easy rotation and did mage only no switches XD
  7. Pretty disappointed, when you originally posted this I advised you in the CC that application managers would not look fondly over such a low effort. If you can find the time to chat in CC and respond to these posts, I am not sure why you decide not to take the 5 minutes to review an accepted application and add a few details for your own.
  8. Clicking around through some of the guides, the formatting looks a little off as of now. I'm sure this will change over time tho. Really glad they decided to make the move, the ads on wikia were complete cancer
  9. Was pretty excited about getting a music cape the other day, and since I was going to be smithing for a while I put an outfit together to match. Post your own favorite fashionscape/skilling outfits.
  10. Welcome to the forums man, always great to have someone with a long history in the OS clan community.
  11. Salve (ei) is absolutely necessary for vorkath I agree on turning run energy off for vorkath Bring a stamina for the fight during Galvek, when I was doing the quest I didnt notice many guides suggesting it, and it really helps to sip a stam before his Wave phase
  12. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099685/?ref_=nv_sr_1
  13. When I got my Quest Cape for the first time in OSRS in the beginning of this year, it was my first major milestone in the long journey of starting over from when OSRS was originally released and the many phases of quitting/rejoining since. Since then, I was able to finish all hard diaries done and base 70 stats which I am very proud of as well. Last night however, I was able to finish a long-term goal from childhood and a new goal I created for myself recently. After too many attempts, my first ever Fire Cape. And a few hours later, my 2nd fire cape leading to my Music Cape. My largest goal is to eventually get the diary cape. To do this, I'll be starting off with Slayer while doing Fruit Tree runs. Going to also train skills as needed to finish any master clue scrolls that I will come across during my slaying (I do all my hard clues immediately).
  14. Beta isnt fully open, I think they just released it to 10K
  15. Good here, but Xfinity can be inconsistent as hell tho, swear they started fuckin with my internet after I removed their 25Mbps "Speed booster"
  16. I work in insurance, nothing super exciting, just very corporate atmostphere
  17. I've lived in Houston for close to 1.5 years now after being offered a promotion at my job to relocate from NY to Houston. In that time, my performance has definitely not been up to par and my relationship with my boss deteriorated significantly. We really aren't known as a company to fire many people, most of the people let go have been execs who have been given buyouts or to lay people off, but my boss has fired 2 people in the last 3 years, which is significant for a team of 5 people. I had been given a pretty significant moving package to come down here, and was very nervous about being fired as I would owe the company a portion of this package if that happened. It all started to boil up in the past week, when I was sent an email on Friday being accused of insubordination based on a series of events that I think were completely overblown. Anyway, fast forward to Monday, I consulted with many people and came up with an email to minimize the accusations and defend myself, while not attacking my boss. I also asked to set up a 1 on 1 with her later in the week to discuss my future. She softened her tone a bunch on her response, so I felt a bit better. But in my heart I knew that being down here is a ticking time bomb, I was never going to live up to her expectations and eventually I would be let go. So today, I finally got to sit down with her and had prepared a whole narrative about how I wanted to find a different position in the company that better utilizes my strengths (I work for a large, multinational company). When I sat down in her office, I let her talk first and the first thing she asked me was if I was happy with my job and if I would be happier doing something else. We immediately agreed that I would be better utilized elsewhere and that she would help me move into a new role! I had been so nervous on how she would take this meeting and I am super happy right now, not only because of the money aspect but because I truly do enjoy working for this company as a whole. I had poor performance reviews from her in the past, and I was worried that these would hinder me from moving on in the company, but she is completely on board to actually help me pursue a new job which is huge for me. I know this topic is very random and doesnt really leave a lot of room for discussion but I'm just super relieved right now and wanted a place to write it all down.
  18. What a crazy series of events today! Germany OUT
  19. Thanks for the work you do. cant be easy running this site. will report any issues i find
  20. I travel a lot, so I'll just start with where I have been recently and where I am going soon (I live in Houston) 2018 New York Philadelphia Palm Beach County, FL Jacksonville Orlando (Epcot) Miami Beach (Ultra Music Festival) New Orleans (multiple) Austin (multiple times) San Antonio (multiple, Final 4) Dallas Planned for rest of 2018: LA Aruba New York (multiple) Oklahoma City Dallas for Red River Shootout Austin (multiple) Tampa/St. Pete Overall in my life, Ive traveled to the majority of the continental US, 10+ European Countries, and some Caribbean islands
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