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  • RS Name
    Spud Webb

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793 profile views

SpudWebb's Achievements

  1. Welcome!
  2. Welcome !
  3. Welcome!
  4. Nice app, welcome! I am from the east coast of the USA as well! NJ specifically!
  5. SpudWebb

    [Accepted] Rokhart

  6. SpudWebb

    [Accepted] Hunnna

  7. Welcome!!
  8. Welcome!!
  9. Welcome!!
  10. Nice app! I am from the east coast of the US as well! I have 2 crazy dogs myself that I walk daily just to get their energy out! Welcome!
  11. Welcome to the forums! Excited to see you at some events! Nice app!
  12. Welcome to WG!!
  13. Welcome! Tell us more about yourself!
  14. Welcome! Could use some advice about my aquariums currently having issues with one of my tanks at the moment!
  15. Hey guys! This is my first clan, so I am excited to see what being a part of one is about! My IRL name is Justin, I am a 25 year old car salesman, I have been in the business since 2014 right out of high school and I love it. The manufacturer I work for is Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, & Ram. I am from the east coast of the USA, specifically NJ. My hobbies are hanging out with my fiancé and our 2 dogs. I am really into cars, football, movies and obviously RuneScape. I’ve been playing this game on and off since I was 8 years old but this game always has brought me back. Like some of you I’ve lost tons at the duel arena or I’ve been smited pking and just raged quit but for some reason I cannot stay away from this game! You can typically catch me at LMS, Bank Skilling, Slayer Training, or Pking. I am excited to meet all of you in game & do some bossing and pking with you guys!
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