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  1. 473
  2. After 2 months of being away for school I finally get to be back home to my lovely wife and 2 cat :] no more trying to play on a sub par laptop! I'm so glad osrs can run off a potato... with the technology of computers when rs first came out im surprised it played so well back then! Anyone have any 06-10 era stories they want to share that involve rs playing with friends or any great memories they have?
  3. Welcome, its a good time here in wg
  4. Maws

    [Accepted] MawBig

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. MawBig What is your current RS name? MawBig List any previous RS names: Toyo Ticks, Mawsy (I don't remember my older accounts) What is your total level and combat level? Total Level: 1964 Combat Level: 121 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started playing rs in 2007 as most middle schoolers did, fell in love and been playing on and off ever since. Maxed my first account in 2011, I enjoy all aspects of the game pvp, pvm, and tick manipulation skilling methods (my personal favorite ((yes I hate myself)) ). I am more of a pvm/skiller now as I have been a pker for majority of the time 06-2013. I enjoy solo raids, skilling, and community. Tell us about your clan history. I have been in and out of a ton of clans from pking/skilling/pure/pvm, most with little to no structure. Serious clans I've been in I usually work my way up to an admin role as I am very friendly supportive and knowledgeable of the game. I actually used to be in this clan back in the day but stopped left for an unknown reason. I am a retired officer in Syndicate and associate with them on a daily bases(they are great people and friendly high tier players, do recommend). Tell us about your yourself. Love martial arts, coding, graphic design, tuning cars, flying airplanes, working on aircraft, shooting guns, anything outdoors and most extreme sports, playing and listening to music, reading books and better myself everyday. I try to live a humble life and spread positivity in everything I do, I have a wonderful wife and 2 most of the time wonderful kittens. I like playing runescape and other games. How did you hear about us? Used to be in the clan long long time ago What makes you want to join us? Big community and friendly folks Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Don't know why anyone would come clean about most things if they aren't provable, but I will tell you the same things I tell everyone once we get to know each other. I used to write/use/ and sell lots of botting scripts, RWT GP as well as offer most other services like fire capes and infernos. I've be employed and coded for several private servers. It really wasn't for the money, just a benefit, but more for learning to code and also having fun playing my favorite game. I used to think when I was 12 or 13 "wow I wish I could just wake up and have higher skills" As I continued to play the game in the most inefficient way possible, I had reached the beginning years of high school where I got a scholarship and entered a program in which I would go to college and high school at the same time. I chose to do web development and graphic design. One thing let to another and I was compiling my own projects and learning new languages and what better way to test them than my favorite MMORPG. As the years went by things just led to one another and I figured I could use the extra money as a high school student without a job, but with marketable skills. I have since ceased working in "black market" activities and enjoy the game as it is designed and intended. All disputes with Jagex are settled on positive terms and on every account history.
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