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  1. Gg

    [Accepted] sznd

    Thanks Baites
  2. Gg

    [Accepted] sznd

    Thanks dude!
  3. Gg

    [Accepted] sznd

    Thanks bro hopefully see y'all out there soon Thank you!
  4. Gg

    [Accepted] sznd

    Thanks bro I look forward to it
  5. Gg

    [Accepted] sznd

    Thanks dude
  6. Gg

    [Accepted] sznd

    Ty mate!
  7. Gg

    [Accepted] sznd

    Thanks my man!
  8. Gg

    [Accepted] sznd

    Thanks man, I hope so too!
  9. Gg

    [Accepted] sznd

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. sznd What is your current RS name? sznd List any previous RS names: Feel Myself Sara Bru Alt:- Jamahal Hill Sara Drew SUNNl What is your total level and combat level? Total level: 1860 Combat: 119 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Played consistently back in the day up until EoC. Began again with the launch of Oldschool but didn't start to play properly again until 2018/19. Put in some heavy hours since then between my main and my pure account. Tell us about your clan history. Tell us about your yourself. The name is Drew and I am 25 from Scotland - UK. Big fan of the UFC/MMA and like to get outdoors to bag some munros or go wild camping from time to time (xp waste ikr ). I enjoy hopping on OSRS for some pking or sometimes some PVM. How did you hear about us? Google search - "osrs wilderness clans" What makes you want to join us? Group PvP and the community aspect in general. Have always enjoyed pking with friends but they have since moved on from OSRS and I'd like some fresh boys to run the wildy with. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Can't usually play a ton due to work and other commitments but I'll always be down for clan activities whenever I'm available!
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