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Everything posted by Tauriiel

  1. Suggestions are very welcome!
  2. Tauriiel

    WG theme

    Hello everyone, I just finished making a wilderess guardians theme for runelite! I really hope you guys like it! heres how install it: Step 1: Go to runelite plugins and scroll down to plugin hub Step 2: download this file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bw1fd93tole5znx/WG_theme.rar/file Step 3: go to resource pack settings and make sure your "use resource pack" option its in first, then copy the address of the wg theme folder (in desktop in my case) and done! I hope you guys enjoy it and if you find any bugs please let me know via discord with a picture!
  3. Welcome!
  4. Welcome back!
  5. Welcome!
  6. Where you from Julio
  7. Bienvenido amigo!
  8. Tauriiel

    [Accepted] baythoven

  9. Welcome welcome!
  10. Welcome nice app!
  11. Tauriiel

    [Declined] cshtml

  12. Welcome nice app!
  13. WELCOME!
  14. Welcome! it probably was me who posted our discord link XD hope to see u around!
  15. Welcome!!
  16. Welcome back
  17. Welcome!
  18. Sorry for your loss mate, hope all gets better
  19. Welcome to the fam! i seen you at herbi events haha
  20. Welcome back!
  21. Tauriiel

    [Accepted] X1 X2

    Welcome to wg! nice app
  22. Welcome!
  23. Welcome!
  24. Welcome!
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