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Everything posted by Teequoze

  1. Woah almost there keep it up nice gains
  2. Congratz on the max cape A long grind
  3. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Teequoze What is your current RS name? Teequoze List any previous RS names: Teequoze What is your total level and combat level? 2276 & 126 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started playing around 2003-2004. I played most of my time on rs2 but never progressed far used to pk in bounty hunter and PvP worlds all day. After (EOC) I quit and Returned to the game with the release of osrs in 2013. Tell us about your clan history. Have been in some clans before both pure and main. The longest time I have been in DK and Vendetta. One is now closed and the other not very active. Have also been in two pure clans Onslaught and Redemption. Used to be in the Wilderness Guardians around 2015. And now looking to rejoin. Most recently been in a dutch country clan (soldaten) a social and skilling clan. After maxing I'm now looking to join a clan more focussed on PvM and PvP activities. Tell us about your yourself. Working in finance intrested in everything to do with finance and taxes. Education: studied accounting where i'm about to complete my bachelor's degree. Also like sports fitness & running mainly. Enjoy watching most sports on TV but like formula 1 the most fan of Verstappen and Leclerc as I also have a passion for cars. Sometimes a little bit of a thril seeker , love travelling and seeking out new places. How did you hear about us? OSRS Forums and Genghis Bong What makes you want to join us? Still know some people in WG hope to rejoin them for PvM and PvP events. Which is what I like to do after a long time of skilling. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you:
  4. Thanks for the welcome
  5. Teequoze Tell us about yourself. 23 years old working as an accountant combined with evening school where im finishing up my degree. Beside work I love to travel, listen to music and work-out and ofc play rs. My current clan has died Divine Kingz thats the reason im looking for a new clan and I liked to rejoin wg I've been in WG 2 years ago. Clan history. OSRS clan history: Redemption Armadyl assailants Genocide PvM Wilderness Guardians Divine Kingz Corruption Return of legends Vendetta Zero tolerance Vitality How did you hear about us? Can't remember OSRS clan forums? Do you plan to join? Yes Any last comments? Nope hope to find a new home :)
  6. Battlefield 1 just unlocked martini henry sniper that took forever! I got kicked for not having enough return sets I remember now
  7. Thanks for the welcome guys good to be back any questions feel free to pm
  8. Koi Lady What is your current RS name? Koi Lady List any previous RS names: Leuven Teequoze Dubking My stats: http://sigs.vksoft.eu/oldschool/blue/no/Koi_Lady.png Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Started playing around 2002. Been from the very beginning into pking. But only became member after 2010. Tell us about your clan history. OSRS ROL, RD, DK, WG Been in quite some clans but can't remember them all Tell us about your yourself. Student, 23 years old, exept for playing way to much rs I enjoy running and working out. How did you hear about us? OSRS forums What makes you want to join us? I like the fact that wg is almost a family and not just a clan I met many good people here thats why I keep returning. I like that events are set on fixed dates. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Nothing to hide Exept I stake to much..
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