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Cokeasians's Achievements

  1. New years gathering of all my family members Before Covid: After Covid:
  2. Cokeasians

    [Accepted] X1 X2

    welcome my dude
  3. welcome brother
  4. Welcome brother
  5. Thanks everyone
  6. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Cokeasians What is your current RS name? Cokeasians List any previous RS names: Cokeasians, I don't think I've had any other name on the account prior. What is your total level and combat level? Total level : 1925 Combat level : 124 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I started playing in RS2 at around 2010-2011. My name is just a play on words meaning caucasians, but since I am Korean American I made it Cokeasians. Currently I don't really have a favorite skill, if there is an afk skilling method ill usually do it on the side as my goal is to one day max but that is very far into the future. Right now I am doing daily Zulrah runs for my mutagen and I've recently been getting into Cox CM's and Tob but I am open to most pvm/pvp activities. I had a very close knit group of friends, some of whom I am very fortunate to still be in contact with even if they don't play Runescape. I've made a bunch of pure accounts in OSRS and then eventually turned one of those pures into the main account I currently play. Luckily I've kept in contact with my old RS2 friends along the way and we started our OSRS journey together and it was so much fun. Recently within the past year or two most of my friends have started quitting due to real life obligations or just losing interest in the game. I've also had my fair share of losing interest in Runescape at times but I always come back as most players do. I still keep in contact with most of my old friends and some of them still play as well but it's hard to find new things to do with a small friend group that rarely gets on the game. I'm usually pretty introverted but I hope me making this application is the first step to making great long lasting friends to play the game with again. Tell us about your clan history. I haven't really been a part of any clan. Just a group of random friends who got really close through pking in the early days. Tell us about your yourself. My name is David, Male, 27, United States New Jersey, haven't been to university, currently out of work due to pandemic. My hobbies are generally just video games and watching anime/tvshows/movies. I don't listen to music unless I'm working out so I generally listen to rap like Juice Wrld, Eminem, or sometimes I'm in the mood for some ballads or korean hiphop/rap. I don't generally search for good music but when I find it I try to remember or write it down. I can't say I have anything to classify as a talent personally. How did you hear about us? I just looked on the forums for a clan and I remembered the name from the RS2 days. What makes you want to join us? Looking for people to enjoy playing the game with as I did with my old friends who moved on. Wilderness Guardians are pretty well known if someone like me who doesn't really clan has heard of them so I thought I'd give it a shot. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I don't have any botting records on my account I can show proof on my Jagex page if need be. I've never spied or was a part of any clan to do so. I've never scammed or RWTed. There were instances where I would be very frustrated in a pvp situation and I would trash talk my enemies but I will make sure I don't do anything to tarnish the clans name and reputation.
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