The Wilderness Guardians
Week 47 recap
Here is a small peek of our week number 47 within wilderness guardians - WG. Do not miss out, and apply today
This week was dominated hard by leagues and reduced activity in the main game Im sorry for being late with last weeks recap
During the week the wilderness guardians hosted 12 official separate events. Out of the official run events - 5 were pk related and 7 pvm/social events
Outside of the official runned events there are daily several unofficial happenings both in and out of the wildy. We do ANY kind of events
We had some solid domination both in and outside the wildy this week again also - even though leagues has strongly kept this weeks focus
For PVP: A total of 717 kills were done, with profits after deaths calc to 329 Million GP, summary below.
For PVM: A total of 833 Million GP was made, summary below.
Not everything is tracked due to different cc's, so amounts are higher but not tracked.
PVM pics
PVP pics
Events and achievements
Chambers of xerics event
Saradomin godwars event
Blind bingo event
WG massed for a blind bingo where a item was selected from a certain boss, a list of bosses and value of the item revealed, happy hunt! 2 members found the boss and secured the prize
Corporal beast event
INFERNOVEMBER (Ongoing - week 1 results)
PVP Summary
Total kills: 717
Total deaths: 271
Overall kill/death ratio: 2.6
Total earnings: 1,018,142,103 gp
Total loss: 689,087,096 gp
Total profit: 329,055,007 gp
Average kill value: 1,420,003 gp
Average death value: 2,542,757 gp
Notable kills:
Yurack Hunt slaying NITI872 for 53,007,880gp
Yurack Hunt slaying NITI872 for 53,005,448gp
Yurack Hunt slaying gaym for 52,675,378gp
Yurack Hunt slaying gaym for 52,670,252gp
Yurack Hunt slaying Ahmz Savage for 52,653,034gp
Kipqari slaying Vaxito for 26,884,118gp
W I GG I N slaying DantonioTV for 18,655,499gp
Ghost Sabre slaying HHyBriDD0741 for 14,778,356gp
Most feared:
Skoo slaying 101 enemies
KING SAMMI slaying 95 enemies
Rule it slaying 74 enemies
Druid o slaying 40 enemies
FAT CLACKERS slaying 31 enemies
PVM Summary
(Missing some drops sadly due to not being tracked in cc)
Total loot: 833,111,319 gp
Total broadcasts: 64
Total from raids: 124,800,446 in 5 drops
Total from non-raid PvM: 703,521,411 in 58 drops
Total from clues: 4,789,462 in 1 drop
Most profitable items:
3x Voidwaker gem - 202,867,872
2x Voidwaker hilt - 97,220,163
1x Imbued heart - 86,849,257
2x Bandos chestplate - 58,418,638
1x Ancestral hat - 52,506,323
2x Osmumten's fang - 51,984,398
1x Armadyl crossbow - 51,263,516
1x Primordial crystal - 26,400,875
17x 175 x Onyx bolts (e) - 25,959,325
1x Voidwaker blade - 22,334,880
1x Bandos hilt - 20,405,497
1x Bandos tassets - 19,394,328
1x Justiciar chestguard - 17,231,987
10x Awakener's orb - 15,381,666
1x Armadyl hilt - 9,863,552
2x Smouldering stone - 9,791,892
3x Archers ring - 9,422,361
1x Staff of the dead - 8,201,734
2x Zamorakian spear - 7,875,745
1x Venator shard - 6,849,252
1x Blood shard - 5,245,067
1x Bellator vestige - 5,000,000
1x Occult ornament kit - 4,789,462
1x Virtus mask - 4,336,716
1x Arcane prayer scroll - 3,077,738
1x Eternal crystal - 2,883,602
1x Tanzanite fang - 2,458,156
1x Odium shard 1 - 1,815,665
1x Dragon harpoon - 1,670,432
1x 10 x Dragon plateskirt - 1,611,220
Loot stats by player:
KING SAMMI making 232,295,605gp in 4 drops
Jesus Saved making 114,265,633gp in 7 drops
De Sally making 89,990,044gp in 2 drops
Whitemambz making 88,887,741gp in 6 drops
TheDonz making 51,263,516gp in 1 drop
DirtyDe making 48,628,093gp in 1 drop
l Greene l making 33,841,361gp in 4 drops
Ze mus making 33,309,466gp in 4 drops
Waka11 making 29,407,340gp in 14 drops
Im Suran making 26,400,875gp in 1 drop
7 000 making 25,992,199gp in 1 drop
highsassy making 19,394,328gp in 1 drop
AshyKneecapz making 12,675,494gp in 3 drops
Sipuliparoni making 6,115,200gp in 4 drops
Nick Noxifer making 5,245,067gp in 1 drop
schmiiiiited making 4,585,350gp in 3 drops
SLITCHKINS making 3,055,150gp in 2 drops
IM Sherb making 1,670,432gp in 1 drop
SoyChorizo making 1,527,750gp in 1 drop
Kipqari making 1,520,225gp in 1 drop
Man OTY making 1,520,225gp in 1 drop
Art1652 making 1,520,225gp in 1 drop