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  1. love
    schmiiiited got a reaction from Tennisstar22 in WG september peek   
    The Wilderness Guardians
    September recap
    Here is a small peek of our September month within wilderness guardians - WG. Do not miss out, and apply today  
    During September the wilderness guardians hosted 44 official separate events + 1 week multi-clan bingo ft 3 other clans. Out of the 44 official run events - 24 were pk related and 20 pvm events. Outside of the official runned events there are daily several unofficial happenings both in and out of the wildy. We do ANY kind of events  
    PVM pics

    PVP pics




    Events and achievements

  2. Like
    schmiiiited got a reaction from meekstah in WG september peek   
    The Wilderness Guardians
    September recap
    Here is a small peek of our September month within wilderness guardians - WG. Do not miss out, and apply today  
    During September the wilderness guardians hosted 44 official separate events + 1 week multi-clan bingo ft 3 other clans. Out of the 44 official run events - 24 were pk related and 20 pvm events. Outside of the official runned events there are daily several unofficial happenings both in and out of the wildy. We do ANY kind of events  
    PVM pics

    PVP pics




    Events and achievements

  3. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to AncientStone in Intro - Gamerdad   
    No one truly leaves Runescape... we just take brakes. Long ones, sometimes, but we come back.... it .... lures us innnn...
  4. love
    schmiiiited reacted to Rok in Count to 1000   

    It's done. Nice work everyone ❤️‍🔥🎉
  5. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to The Old Salt in Real Life Photos of WG Members   
    I have nothing too recent, new PC only had some old synced photos, but nothing new for some reason, except for the picture of my kiddos! but a couple from a few years ago before I broke my back! Ill have to get a current one because Im rocking the sexy beard like a few others I see! 

  6. Like
    schmiiiited got a reaction from simplytrump in [Accepted] Simpy Trump   
    aw  dno what happend then, that seems unlucky! Hope it gets sorted asap
  7. love
    schmiiiited got a reaction from simplytrump in [Accepted] Simpy Trump   
    Welcome Back again!
    i see your application was not processed and then declined since you did not Ask for a !review after 24h  make sure to do so and hopefully we’ll see you around
  8. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to The Heir in [Accepted] Tottenham31   
    Welcome to our clan forums.
    Your application is somewhat lacking in effort. 
    Just click the edit button on this page to change your application.
    Take a look through some previously accepted applications for inspiration.
    Good luck  
  9. Like
    schmiiiited got a reaction from spencerhocke in [Accepted] Tottenham31   
  10. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to j a m m e y in [Accepted] j a m m e y   
    Thanks guys, didn't see all your replies appreciate it!
  11. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to The Old Salt in Favorite Games Outside of OSRS   
    Dang Its a tough one to narrow down a few, but if I did have to pick just a few, Halo is number 1 for me without a doubt, Hearts of Iron4/No Mans Sky/Skyrim easy seconds I also love Hell Let Loose, and Phasmophobia, NHL games are good too! I go through phases of games outside osrs I play haha
  12. Haha
    schmiiiited got a reaction from The Old Salt in Programmers/Coders   
    #botban, kthxbie  
  13. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to K1W1 in Programmers/Coders   
    I've been programming unprofessionally for 7 years, started with teaching myself Node.js as I stumbled to create unique features for Discord bots, picking up WG bot, making ChatLogger, RevCavePremium, RatCatcher9000 and other projects unrelated to Runescape. Talking about this skill alone in my interview landed me a job as an observability engineer with no degree and no professional experience. Since picking up this job I've learned Python, Bash, SPL, LogQL, SWQL, SQL, Regex etc. I wouldn't say I program "professionally" now as I really have no standards even when I program something at work since it's not really my job to, I just automate things as I see fit (mostly for my own gain)

    I would highly recommend "Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate" on Coursera if you're going to jump into Python, I don't know a soul that uses or prefers Java anymore.

    Fun fact: My very first program was a AutoHotKey green dragon bot when I was like 12, I followed a Youtube tutorial on how to make it recognize a colored pixel and click it
  14. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to The Old Salt in Programmers/Coders   
    Very nice!! Node.JS is one of the things my course has coming up soon actually! React, NPM, Express.JS is gonna be at the same time as Node, SQL and Mongo DB are a few others when I get into the back end section, Ahh Ill be honest the only reason I wanted Java was to make custom Minecraft plugins haha, A buddy of mine owns a server and I was looking to help him with some haha! I thought they used Java for the plugins :X The other languages I had interest in learning was C++ and C#, but I just want to get very comfortable with Javascript before I try to do that. 
    Im hoping to land a better job as a back end programmer when Im done with this course, it teaches whats needed to be job ready. I dont have a great eye for design, so unless a company has a designer my front end skills end at the coding LOL. 
    Ill check that out! I do want to learn Python, I know its very widely used in many aspects
  15. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to The Old Salt in Post Your Bank   
    Haha Some of mine is messy, some aint too bad, I take pride in my potion tab though haha! Threw in the Phat Fashion Scape tab too :X Used to have like 150 Crackers till they jumped to 290k or what ever it was at one point lmao

  16. Like
    schmiiiited got a reaction from The Old Salt in [Accepted] The Old Salt   
  17. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to The Old Salt in Community Intro - The Old Salt   
    Thanks Panda!! Yeah, Ill end up posting one tonight I think!  Ive just been getting my bearings straight before I posted one haha! Its been a bit since I have played os haha!
  18. Like
    schmiiiited got a reaction from WithNoHonor in [Accepted] WithNoHonor   
    welcome bud  seems like were exact the clan your looking for in your description  
  19. thinking
    schmiiiited reacted to Grovsomfaen in [Accepted] Grovsomfaen   
    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.
    What is your current RS name? Grovsomfaen
    List any previous RS names: 
    What is your total level and combat level? Cb lvl 125
    tottal lvl 1927

    Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.
    Join Wg as a noob returning as a noob
    Tell us about your clan history.
    Funny thing that’s about it. Like to pk and pvm and the clan community.
    Tell us about your yourself.
    Male and yes I got a penis.
    How did you hear about us?  Reddit
    What makes you want to join us? I like this clan it is honestly and honourably
    Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes
    Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I hade sex at a rehabilitation centre
  20. thinking
    schmiiiited got a reaction from WG Gore Def in Anyone still playing Elden Ring?   
    never heard of the game  sry
  21. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to Sticky in [Accepted] Stickyhuh   
    I hear ya. Integrity aspect aside i have long since it wouldn't be worth the risk anyways. I keep my nose clean
  22. love
    schmiiiited got a reaction from Goti in [Accepted] Goti   
    welcome back bud
  23. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to Lu Cereos in Calendar Question   
    I appreciate it. Thank you.
  24. Like
    schmiiiited reacted to Daddy Grov in Intro - Daddy Grov   
    Hello everyone, 

    My name is Magnus, I’m a 27 year old married man. I’m the bigger brother of “Grovsomfaen” which sadly newly took a brake & hopefully will be back.
    I want to start off by being honest, I’ve been a ghost in this clan from the beginning of April. I haven’t taken the time to put my self in to how the forum works, congratulating and welcoming new members, nor getting to know the existing member when I first got here, anyhow I’m attending to become the clan member you all deserve😊
    This is not an excuse, but an explanation of why I am so egocentric and why I’ve been standing in the shadows grinding skills and levels. Sorry😋
    I started playing RuneScape very early, about 2008 maybe and just got back a few months ago. Trying to grind as hard as life allows me to, so I can build confidence to myself and my account to contribute to the game and events. 
    I can’t wait to get to know all of you and enjoy the game together.
    - Daddy Grov, Out❤️
  25. Like
    schmiiiited got a reaction from Barbitter in [Declined] megamonkfish   
    Welcome bud
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