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More Pints

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    More Pints

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  1. Welcome! Hope you love it here:)
  2. Yes. At least one cup of coffee per day, and often a monster or pre-workout as well.
  3. Yes!
  4. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. More Pints What is your current RS name? More Pints List any previous RS names: TwoPints (alternate account) What is your total level and combat level? Total level: 1615 Combat level: 107 ------------------------------ Main account (TwoPints) [nonmembers] Total level: 1906 Combat level: 121 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I began playing Runescape in the early 2000s while in grade school, and began playing OSRS around the time of its release. The name "More pints" is a reference to my main account name "TwoPints" which is the achievement diary NPC for Ardy. My favorite activities in OSRS are anything PvP related - LMS, PKing, clan pking, revenants, etc... I also enjoy socializing in general via discord, clan chat, etc. Tell us about your clan history. I was a member of Mercy CC for over 4 years, near the clan's origin in October 2017. During my time in Mercy, I eventually rose to the highest rank of clan staff (gold star). Clan staff consisted of 5 people at all times who were in charge of updating discord/bingo/events/etc. I became disillusioned with the direction of the clan about a year ago, after almost all members who participated in PvP left in masse. I no longer feel at home in this clan, but my nonmembers "main" still exists in Mercy, retired from the staff position. I would leave this clan on my main quickly, but I don't want to as I know the founder IRL and this would make them quite sad. Tell us about your yourself. Hi, I'm a guy in my late 20's in the USA. I'm currently working on a PhD in Microbiology, which takes up a lot of my time. Outside of OSRS, I enjoy spending time with my wife, hiking, camping, cooking, typing, and playing the violin. I also enjoy playing other video games including Hunt:Showdown and League of Legends. How did you hear about us? Multiple times in the wilderness, also WG has had name-recognition for years that What makes you want to join us? Good community & a focus on PvP but not toxicity, which is present in so many current PvP clans. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: My main account is currently in another clan. It is not a PvP clan. I've spoken briefly with Kiwi about this, who suggested that it would not necessarily preclude me from a successful application to WG.
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