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Everything posted by Anarcho

  1. What's everyone's favorite meme? I've always liked this one.
  2. I think Sao had a great one for season 3 that slapped.
  3. You get caught stealing boxes? Lol jk do you have schooling in any I.T program? Thats a start.
  4. I actually don't mind smithing I think mining is 2nd worse
  5. What's one place you plan to visit or already have? I want to backpack around Japan for 2 weeks once the country opens up.
  6. What's skill do you hate to lvl most? I want to say mine is rune crafting... it's just boring and slow. I've honestly never liked it.
  7. Anarcho


    Thanks I've seen most of these but the ones I haven't I'll definitely cehck out I just finished jobless reincarnation. My hero got dry honestly and one punch man was solid hilarious. Haven't jumped on the hunter train yet or one peice.
  8. Anarcho


    So does anyone else watch anime? Recommended some please I have seen a lot but I'm always open to smaller titles that are not well known.
  9. What kinda vehicle does everyone drive? I'm more of a truck guy but I also have a car.
  10. I am a commerical HVAC-R Technician I had just replaced a burnt out compressor on this unit. @CP8
  11. What does everyone do for work?
  12. thank you everyone look forward to all future events and fun!
  13. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Anarcho What is your current RS name? Anarcho List any previous RS names: n/a What is your total level and combat level? total lvl 1540 CB lvl- 100 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. been playing osrs since 2003 took a 3 year break after eoc found it hard to start over again after the re release of osrs been more active and have set goals. Tell us about your clan history. I was a member of the clan collision before eoc. Tell us about your yourself. 33, male, trade school, I'am journeymen technician, I love to pk and want a good group of people I can trust its hard pking alone in wild these days. I reside the USA. my hobbies include mountain biking, camping and hanging out with friend outdoor activities. How did you hear about us? youtube and searching rs fourms What makes you want to join us? seems like a fun clan and I am looking to sharpen my pvp skills and possibly help other players do pvm content and pk in the wild. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: my account has never been flagged I don't like bots or cheaters.
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