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  1. take a break from this game, dont play that often if you feel like its starting to bore you, or do other activities
  2. Might sound a little bit like a basic bitch but ancients because of blood spells and ice spells
  3. I play apex legends, star wars kotor and battlefront 2, dying light 2, kingdom hearts, skyrim, tiny tinas wonderlands, borderlands 3, sometimes i hop onto borderlands 2, would love a comeback for black ops 2 or modern warfare 2 maybe we do a modern warfare 2 mass on xbox?
  4. does any1 have any space in a group or want to make new gim accounts? im down to be honest
  5. One small favour It was horrible i felt so bad for doing it
  6. Mix inbetween very hot/cold days i love being inside lol but if you're not sweating like crazy being outside is fun also
  7. 757
  8. v9v

    [Accepted] v9v

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. v9v What is your current RS name? v9v List any previous RS names: Uunit, dropitdog wraithnr99 are my past names and my pures name is cartme i have a iron rsn is firx and i have a zerker i am currently building called eletrxc. What is your total level and combat level? 1790 and 117 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. i started playing in 08 i think maybe 09 my name doesn't really mean anything i just like it because it's 3 letters. Tell us about your clan history. I'm in a pure clan called hydra cc but i've never gone any trips with them yet because my 1 defence pure account is only level 60 in stats. I'm also in a soul wars clan called dismantle Tell us about your yourself. I am damien, I am a male i live in america and my age is 23m, i graduated hischschool working at walmart currently im learning to skateboard, i love playing games and being outside sometimes i like all genres of music besides country i dont really like aggresive people i love jokes i always try to make people laugh How did you hear about us? Tbing What makes you want to join us? I want to learn how to pvp and learn some bosses with helpful people i've done a few bosses and I'm pretty quick with learning Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I botted when i was 13 but i haven't botted since
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