It got rolled back to an earlier date, as I did have RFD completed, done fire cape (Kc for Jad is 0??) and had definitely been above 65 fletching, since I was cutting diamond bolt tips as a moneymaker for a long time.
It looks like this:
Still not too bad, got 175 QP and I was geared up for the last fight with the Culinomancer, so I guess it rolled it back to that day.
The account is still better than my current one in pretty much every way other than Fletching and Firemaking (ty wintertodt). Not sure what to do with this yet, though. Gotta get a bond maybe and see if I want to start rebuilding, the account is poor as fuck right now.
Account name is "Gore Def", if you wanna look stuff up yourself as well.
Oh the email for proof:
Had to blur out my email name and my login name (yeah the account predates the email login bullcrap)