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meekstah last won the day on April 7 2024

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About meekstah


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  1. Been a minute, but wanted to post to keep the progress tracked. INFERNAL CAPE DONE!!!!!!! Also, 3/4 on soul reaper axe.
  2. Welcome!
  3. Preface: I joined Wg a month or two after starting osrs, and I was a noob who hoped to do barrows and vorkath. I saw this as something unattainable at the time, and saw things such as raiding and inferno as something I could never even attempt. Since then, ive been attempting the inferno, sending raids, and even achieving a 500 fang kit, which I couldnt even dream of back then. How was I able to go from noob to less noob? Having fun and challenging myself. Setting a goal and slowly chipping away at the goal, and enjoying it while you do. Ive died several times and failed many times, and I can say its all mental. Put yourself in uncomfortable positions, die, die again, and you will learn to die less and improve. Watching videos, learning from our wonderful PvM mentors, and being active. These are all things I did daily to eventually get to where I am. Again, its attainable for everyone and anyone, and hope this gives motivations to those who think "Ill never be good enough". You will, it takes time and effort. A big issue also comes with the broke mans mindset. I fell prey to this too. It is worth to spend gp to progress your account and improve your efficiency. Saying you dont want to learn a method because "its too hard" or "im too lazy" adds to never improving. You have to challenge yourself. Sure you can afk, but if you want to improve you cant approach a method that seems intimidating because "ill never be able to do it" If you feel like you need a sense of direction on how to progress, PM me, WG is home to some of the best people that want to see you improve. Link to my progression blog: https://www.wildernessguardians.com/forums/topic/12869-meekzzh-progression/
  4. Wew its been a min but since bingo is starting up soon wanted to post an update. Been busy for quite a bit but im back on the grind. Green logged thermy since then, and now I've been going for the inferno/maxing, wish me luck Me getting sat:
  5. meekstah

    [Accepted] 7 000

  6. Welcome! Currently attending a coding bootcamp myself so hoping you success when you make the career switch!
  7. Been trying to afk as much as possible while studying to try and inch closer to max, and doing clues/bossing/raids when i have time to. Notably got a piece of 3rd age from an elite, ranger boots, and cave kraken pet. Gonna post my fiancé's progress as well (In pink) as she has decided to play with me ! She's roughly 20 days into the game.
  8. meekstah

    [Accepted] Bolsta

  9. Thank you! Most of this wouldn't have been possible without all the great tips and guides WG has provided me, so a big thanks to you all
  10. A quick update: QPC done! Also 99 cooking. Looking to grab 2k as soon as possible :D.
  11. Max cb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank god for nmz
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