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S plit

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    S plit

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539 profile views

S plit's Achievements

  1. Welcome to WG.
  2. Hello and welcome to WG
  3. Welcome to WG
  4. Welcome to WG
  5. Welcome to WG, always good to see new faces around. The community is great here you can find people for whatever your looking for, hope to see you around
  6. Welcome back to WG! Hope to see you around
  7. Welcome to WG
  8. Welcome to WG buddy good to see you app
  9. S plit

    [Accepted] Bolsta

    My man, glad to see you app. massive support
  10. Welcome to WG, bust out those stats and hope to see you on the battlefield soon
  11. Welcome to WG! Nice to see the game is still attracting new players, if you have any questions feel free to ask, lots of helpful people in this clan
  12. Welcome to the boards
  13. Welcome to wg!
  14. Welcome to wg! Sorry for the rude welcome if you want to put it that way lol. Hope to see you around!
  15. S plit

    [Accepted] Inz808

    Aerospace engineering thats pretty impressive man! Hope to see you around and gl!
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