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NippleChamp last won the day on September 21 2023

NippleChamp had the most liked content!

About NippleChamp


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  1. yoooooooooooooo welcome bud
  2. welcome m8
  3. Welcome m8
  4. welcome
  5. Hey guys, I haven't been around very long though feel its relevant to share a story that realistically wouldn't have taken place without WG. One major hurdle I had been putting off on my account was getting a fire cape (same as a lot of people I am sure). Being able to speak too @Jesus Saved @Ben Li @Grovsomfaen about prayer flicking and spawn controlling jad i felt comfortable enough to give it a crack. Low and behold, once i got the right spawn.. 1 Jad down and 1 fire cape in the bank. Soo bloody stoked and wouldn't have attempted it without them. huge thanks to the guys!!
  6. 100% my man. At least 2 a day and a double scoop of pre each afternoon before gym. people who manage to avoid caffeine are the superior beings haha.
  7. Thanks mate! Thanks mate
  8. thanks mate
  9. Thanks mate! Little bloke is a legend, little girl on the way soon! Appreciate the fact you guys are willing to teach, probably testament to the age of the clan.
  10. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. NippleChamp What is your current RS name? NippleChamp List any previous RS names: NippleChamp What is your total level and combat level? Total level - 1614 Combat Level - 103 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Played OSRS as a teenager though life got in the way. After the birth of my son, started playing more OSRS and fell back in love. going on almost 3 years now. Currently PVM and leveling focused, though want to learn how to PK, been PK'd plenty and love the excitement. Slayer takes up the majority of my time at the moment though am working my way out of the midgame. Tell us about your clan history. No clan history. Tell us about your yourself. Mark - Male - 30 - Australian - Degree - Sales Manager - Fishing/Hunting - Varied/Country - Humor - Like beers/dislike hangovers How did you hear about us? OSRS official discord What makes you want to join us? I want to learn how to PK and from the clan bio this seems like a good place. also, im interested in what playing with a clan opens up for my runescape experience. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: PK knowledge, i would assume the majority of members are already further down the learning path and have prayer flicking muscle memory already engrained. I do not, though with practice and some minor help.. i should catch up ok.
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