Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.
What is your current RS name? Artty
List any previous RS names: OS Artemis
What is your total level and combat level?
Total Level: 1808
Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.
I started playing a long time ago but recently gotten back into it more in the past 4-5 years. Currently my only account is a ironman-and my by far favorite thing is getting new Log slots. My name means Artemis. I used to go by Dracula on my old normal account.
Tell us about your clan history.
My clan history is a little jumpy. I've gone to a coupe Ironclans but left because of inactivity or ignorance. Currently I'm in a really large clan just to talk to people while I do stuff.
Tell us about your yourself.
My name's Corey, Male, 23. I live in America. Im a high school grad but got a journeymans in hydraulics from working in factories repairing Mechs, trailers or stuff like that. My only hobby is osrs. My music wow, I got country, rap, nightcore, pop, oldies, just about everything. My talents revolve around application coding, computer repair or modifications. I'm a nerd in a football players body and the only real thing I dislike is Ignorance, people on power trips or ass holes for no reason
How did you hear about us? I googled wilderness protection clans. Not gonna lie, I was finding a group to pay so I can farm the new wildy bosses for d.pick
What makes you want to join us? I want some kinda safety in the wild doing anything. But after reading into this group- Im also a little interested in learning real PK-ing. I only know lms
Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes
Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I have botted before to and long skills at work and I used to Play with OpenOsrs.