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19kc corp

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19kc corp last won the day on September 11 2024

19kc corp had the most liked content!

About 19kc corp


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  1. 19kc corp


    welcome gamer whoever scalped you from reddit must be really handsome happy valentine's day I'm sure you'll fit right into the warm embrace of WG
  2. Hey man glad to have you in here but if you wanted to fill out a bit more information, a staff member might see this app as low effort. After 48 hours you can get an App Review on Discord but maybe fill in some specific activities you like to do, your favorite skilling method, and a bit about yourself IRL. WG is a super welcoming community but we still like to know a bit about people as they roll in. I appreciate you joining the forums, I hope you have a good time here
  3. A certain jmod heard that holiday bonuses were going to be tight this year..
  4. Welcome gamer
  5. Welcome to WG! F2p Pking is mostly relegated to edgeville/ferox singles nowadays but p2p is way more enticing anyways. Hope to see you out there!
  6. wg amethyst back from Death(row) to drop some knowledge before he goes back to his harem of pregnant women
  7. 19kc corp

    [Declined] NEO683

    aw ye fk ye
  8. 19kc corp

    [Declined] NEO683

    What was your melee main? I was never good but enjoyed me some Marth (yes I know that's redundant) Welcome to WG!
  9. Welcome to WG!
  10. Glad you learned to untie the video game gp with real life. WG is like OSRS itself it's hard not to come back
  11. WG is top tier clan for what you're looking for! Huge welcome.
  12. Welcome back gamer! Hoping to get to pk and pvm with you
  13. welcome gamer,make sure to hang out in cc when it's open and put your !appreview in discord after 24 hours! Happy to see you join Lots of fun events here
  14. I just found out about the Chinchompa range thing (you get an accuracy penalty if you're not close/midrange/far depending on fuse/attack style)
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