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hotel 666

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    Hotel 666

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  1. Únase a nuestro servidor Discord y lea el canal #joining_wg para ver el paso final del proceso. Hotel 666 ¿ Cuál es su nombre RS actual ? Hotel 666 Enumere los nombres anteriores de RS : tuve 4 años sin jugar y el último rsn que tuve fue "mago enfocado" ¿ Cuál es tu nivel total y tu nivel de combate ? 121 in progress to 126 and 2k total Cuéntenos sobre su cuenta e historial de RuneScape . I was in some clans but the truth is only as a special guest, nothing formal. The truth will do well as a perfect mage and tank. Cuéntanos sobre la historia de tu clan . I spent a lot of time pk in wildy, I did TOA, COX. I spent a long time without playing the truth then I came back and I have only done pk. I was in UNO 2020 but it was something for 1 month, then they closed and from there I stopped playing. Háblanos de ti mismo . Well, I play during the day as much as I can and I dedicate myself to other family businesses ¿ Cómo se enteró de nosotros ? They are very old school, I remember them from my beginnings, which was 2017 ¿ Qué te hace querer unirte a nosotros? I don't have a clan, none of them catch my attention and the truth is that this one has a lot of activity in my schedule and that's what really catches my attention. ¿Estás de acuerdo con las reglas y requisitos de WG y entiendes que este es un clan de honor ? Yes. Aclara cualquier cosa que pueda disuadirnos de aceptarte: I am very active at any time, I return quickly, I make a good tank, I use magic a lot
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