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1 79

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    1 79

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    [Declined] 1 79

    Excuse me AncientStone, did you read what i type in req to join clan? Im 99% mobile player. Also im using email etc only on pc/laptop, but often im playing on mobile, so i have using computer/laptop 1-2 times per few weeks, so thats why i want to let someone tell me in game (while ill be there), when event etc will be. Or no offence, just learn how to read I know, english isnt my first language, but i think ill be understandable hehe Cheers 1 79.
  3. 1 79

    [Declined] 1 79

    this remind me very old and good times register to join clan, wars on cw/wild omg mmmmmm
  4. 1 79

    [Declined] 1 79

    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. 1 79 What is your current RS name? 1 79 List any previous RS names: Immortal585 What is your total level and combat level? 118cmb/1664 and still growing Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. i starts playing even runescape since 2004 ^^ and never want to be maxed etc, was playing just for fun because i realy like this game as hell hehe :D! Tell us about your clan history. few years ago, since 2010-2015 i was in polish clans, but cant remember hows they call ;d Tell us about your yourself. im 30 years old a grown man with unshaven hair who likes to play games i guess like every man hehe How did you hear about us? well, while training slayer i have meet Lillefigo and he ask me to join clan What makes you want to join us? i wanna be on every single party/event etc ingame, but can someone add me in game and tell sometimes when event will be? im 99% mobile player and im on laptop/pc only like 1 time per 2-3 weeks Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: idk what to type here, first time in my life im in english language clan etc
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