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Druid o

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    Druid o

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  1. Hello fam<3 it’s a pleasure to meet you all and introduce myself. Feel free to call me by my rsn or… IRL: Chris
  2. Thank you fam happy to be back
  3. Ty @am a panda
  4. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Druid o What is your current RS name? Druid o List any previous RS names: Rkingnaru Spidertroupe What is your total level and combat level? Total level 2169 combat lvl 126 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I started playing runescape pre eoc now rs3 about 15 years ago. Wilder Guard was one of the first clans I ever joined and stayed with until I decided to quit because of eoc. I was so happy and in disbelief the clan continued on in osrs! I knew I had to rejoin. I loved the principles the clan stood by. Favorite skill is runecrafting and smithing. I love to kill corp. trying to get the pet. Tell us about your clan history. I was formerly a member of poo pushers. Had a lot of fun there. Learned a lot about pvm. Osrs In rs3 I was a member of wild guard. My username was fantasy59 I have no idea what’s become of my account now lol. Tell us about your yourself. My names Chris I’m 31 I have a wife and two children. I love to workout and I enjoy raising my kids :) I live in the United states How did you hear about us? I was a former member! What makes you want to join us? I always loved the principle and honor wild guard upheld and it was my first clan in rs3:) Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I have one mark for rwt and that is all! Made a small gp purchase after I was lured and lost my bank. It is my first and only mark on osrs. I’ve had this account for 8 years. Recently became active again a few months ago of 2023z have been playing full time since
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