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Honoured Guardian
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Everything posted by Naqi

  1. I’m so hard rn
  2. ayo thats grazy they booted you this fast welcome back
  3. sup g
  4. Yo
  5. hola welcome to WG
  6. What does the W and G mean in WG? Winning Again L00000000000L
  7. Panda
  8. Welcome brother
  9. wow who's this chad
  10. nice bro I was TBE in 2006 and 2007. when where you there?
  11. some buff for extracurricular activities and nerf to leeches. the active homies will get a buff to xp/hr
  12. sounds like excuses
  13. You didn’t improve the agility course xp rates you rats
  14. Welcome yachtman What era of the titans were you a part of?
  15. Naqi

    [Accepted] 7535

    welcome back
  16. GOTR changes when you rats no one cares about irontodt
  17. congratulations to manked up mage for deliberately failing this piece of content from the polls
  18. Araxxor drinking tea? I thought these crazy spiders from australia not the UK
  19. Naqi

    [Accepted] Nevatro

    Welcome brother
  20. Welcome
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