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s l i c k y

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    s l i c k y

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  1. s l i c k y

    2nd pet

    oh damn, i mustve missed this! gz man!
  2. welcome, lad! from, your fellow newcomer
  3. Welcome bruV!
  4. welcome lad, from, your fellow newcomer
  5. s l i c k y

    [Declined] SHKJ

    welcome mate! from, your fellow newcomer
  6. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. fkn tilted What is your current RS name? fkn tilted List any previous RS names: drunk n dry, zlicky, im landon, lndno What is your total level and combat level? 1929 total level, combat level is 120 What Timezone are you in? Eastern Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I started playing runescape in middle school (I am now 30yo), but stopped when I was a junior in High school and picked up RS3 after college. I started getting into old school when I recovered my account from 14 years ago and have been leveling it on and off since 2018. Tell us about your clan history. I have joined a number of different clans, but the majority of them were just to do PvM content together help others with questing or bossing whenever needed. It was never a pk clan of any sorts. Tell us about your yourself. My name is Landon. 30 yo, from the US, graduated from college, enjoy gamin, bein outside, playin pickleball, golf, hiking, fishing, playin scape. I listen to all types of music, pretty much anything besides metal and country. I don't really know talents off the top of my head. Im not a drinker, I'm not a smoker, but I don't hold it against you if you do either of them! Im not really a fan of overly loud people, I have a hard time dealing with other people eating (called misophonia), and I don't particularly enjoy being told I am doing something wrong with no constructive feedback on how to improve. How did you hear about us? Xeia or Xeuh What makes you want to join us? I enjoy playing scape, and I have wanted to learn the ropes of pvp and overcome the sketchiness of the wildy. I have been scammed, lured, and pked for shit tons of money, and I can't stand the wilderness. If there was a way to turn it around to make it not so bad, maybe i'd go back. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you:
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