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Everything posted by Swelly

  1. Swelly

    [Declined] Swelly

    yeah bro its been long time.
  2. Swelly

    [Declined] Swelly

    What is your current RS name? Swelly69 List any previous RS names: Swelly, Swellyy, Swelly69 What is your total level and combat level? 124 Combat What Timezone are you in? Eastern Standard Time Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I have been playing since 2006, I started playing as a pure in the pure scene , Im still in the pure scene and still actively pure clanning, i love the game and still have interest in playing. Tell us about your clan history. Fi, EOP, NME, Legacy Tell us about your yourself. My names Swelly I'm 26, other than RS I own a restaurant which keeps me really busy and scape on my free time. How did you hear about us? Seen some videos on you guys pking on YouTube then joined the discord server. What makes you want to join us? I love pking its really the only thing i do on this game, seeing you guys are a pking clan fits well. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Nothing at this time.
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