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Sheets last won the day on September 27 2019

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  1. I'd definitely be interested in joining a 5man iron man group It'd reinvigorate me to play!
  2. Sheets

    [Declined] Spanx

    Gl mate, keen to have another to PvM with
  3. Thanks - planning to smash them out in a week :D!
  4. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. FreshSheets What is your current RS name? FreshSheets List any previous RS names: N/A for OSRS Current play on an IronMan IronSheets 1579ttl What is your total level and combat level? 1653 113 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. Been playing RS since 2003 - was in WG since 2008. This account is near maxed on RS3 (before garbo skills) and I've been playing OSRS since July 2018 I think. I mainly play my Iron but my main is high enough to PvM which is what I want to do on it (on skill on my iron). Looking for a clan that will PvM with me inc. Raids 1 & 2. Tell us about your clan history. WG mostly since 2008, left in maybe 2013? I was an eventmaster for several months and was a founding member of SG when we diverged from being a PvP based clan and moved into PvM. I've apped for WG twice since I've come back but haven't been able to find the time to get my 3 events done to get that banana. I attended a WG IRL meetings in Queensland, Australia in 2010 and Melbourne 2011. Tell us about your yourself. I'm Josh, 27, and a teacher of Science/Biology to secondary students. I have an on/off relationship with League of Legends where I am head coach of League at my College and Director of Esports but have given up playing competitively (formerly Diamond 2 trash). How did you hear about us? MegaJayson What makes you want to join us? Looking for an active group that will PvM with me. I've been on the wg cc for over a year, don't talk too much. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: Nty
  5. Hey Eugene (RIP Elias). You still actually playing? How'd you go finishing your teaching degree? I see you're teaching music full time, instrumental or full classroom now? I deleted facebook btw, didn't unfriend you! - Josh
  6. Played 200+ days. Came back for Div - hated it, what a moronic skill. Left.
  7. Once you hit up WT and start RCing your OA is going to skyrocket. Really nice log.
  8. Hey Lenny! Welcome!
  9. Yeah - I didn't follow through as I didn't think I had the time, but now I do because the events suit my timezone more and I'm playing RS much more
  10. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Cleansheets What is your current RS name? Cleansheets List any previous RS names: MrMag0rium MEGAGAYSON WhySoSirius What is your total level and combat level? 1441 - 103.85 Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I've played RS3 since 2006. I maxed combat around 2011, was doing high level PVM with WG or solo. Started a PVM log here during my last time in WG. http://www.wildernessguardians.com/smf/index.php?topic=9433.msg106538#msg106538. I am 2453 total on RS3 - level 1 invention l0l. I emptied my bank (500m+) the last time I quit (2014) regret! My favourite skills currently are farming and slayer. Previously (on RS3) my favourite thing to do was PVM. I restarted OSRS approx 12 weeks ago - even started a HCIM (twice! died to moss giants the first time haha). I've found that the new IronMan is really fun and a fun way to experience parts of the game you never get to see. Tell us about your clan history. Join WG 8-8-8. Went through various roles include Event Leader in WG & SG. Was an active PKer with WG. Was a founding member of SG. I last left WG when it was heavily invested in the beginning of OSRS and I was interested in joining an Australian based RS3 Clan, I didn't want to lose my 250 days played and start again in OSRS. Big mistake leaving WG CC for some aussie CC that had no real community. Tell us about your yourself. I'm 26, and a high school Science teacher in my second year. I've established a High School eSports League team (2!) and am currently coach of both teams. I am the Director of eSports and coordinator of "Video Game Club". I recently retired (lul) from League of Legends due to the constantly evolving competitive nature of it and have opted for a more chill game - OSRS. The introduction of mobile suits my lifestyle. I previously applied and didn't go through with my application as I thought I wouldn't have enough time to participate in events but lately there's been a load more events so I'm more than capable of attending events and participating in the community. How did you hear about us? Long time ago - Jayson What makes you want to join us? 've been in the wg_cc for the three months. It's an active and vibrant community that offers advice and is, most of the time, nice! I'm enjoying PvMing with the group and will keep doing that. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? No Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you:
  11. Welcome mate! What uni? I went to VU and LTU
  12. Yeah I'm Josheh.
  13. Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process. Cleansheets What is your current RS name? Cleansheets List any previous RS names: MrMag0rium MEGAGAYSON What is your total level and combat level? 1258 oa - 94cmb. Tell us about your RuneScape account and history. I've played RS3 since 2006. I maxed combat around 2011, was doing high level PVM with WG or solo. Started a PVM log here during my last time in WG. http://www.wildernessguardians.com/smf/index.php?topic=9433.msg106538#msg106538. I am 2453 total on RS3 - level 1 invention l0l. I emptied my bank (500m+) the last time I quit (2014) regret! My favourite skills currently are farming and slayer. Previously (on RS3) my favourite thing to do was PVM. I restarted OSRS approx 6 weeks ago - sitting at Tell us about your clan history. Join WG 8-8-8. Went through various roles include Event Leader in WG & SG. Was an active PKer with WG. Was a founding member of SG. I last left WG when it was heavily invested in the beginning of OSRS and I was interested in joining an Australian based RS3 Clan, I didn't want to lose my 250 days played and start again in OSRS. Big mistake leaving WG CC for some aussie CC that had no real community. Tell us about your yourself. I'm 26, and a high school Science teacher in my second year. I've established a High School eSports League team (2!) and am currently coach of both teams. I am the Director of eSports and coordinator of "Video Game Club". I recently retired (lul) from League of Legends due to the constantly evolving competitive nature of it and have opted for a more chill game - OSRS. The introduction of mobile suits my lifestyle. How did you hear about us? Past member. What makes you want to join us? I've been in the wg_cc for the last month. It's an active and vibrant community that offers advice and is, most of the time, nice! I'm looking for a group to PvM with when I max cmb in a few weeks - or at least get decent enough stats in the next few weeks of NMZ afking. Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you:
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