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  1. love
    Kvws reacted to FinalELITE in [Accepted] Kvws   
    Welcome mate.
  2. love
    Kvws reacted to Ghost Sabre in [Accepted] Kvws   
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    Kvws got a reaction from Ghost Sabre in [Accepted] Kvws   
    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.
    What is your current RS name? Kvws
    List any previous RS names: N/A
    What is your total level and combat level? Zerker: 1160 (account i'll be maining on)
    Main: 2277
    HCIM: 1931

    What Timezone are you in? GMT
    Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.
    newly created Zerker, on its way to be a beast of an account, primarily going to be pking but the idea behind this build is i wanted to make a Zerker-Raider so i can PK in lower brackets as well as being able to raid.

    plus, it turns heads when ur 45 def/52 prayer smashing 410 toa's xD
    Tell us about your clan history.
    Soul bane 2 years ago, was a member for a year then an events co-ordinator for a further year
    Tell us about your yourself.
    I'm 26 from UK, work from home as i own my own business so 95% of the time i'm online scaping 6:30am - 11:30pm. I have a wide variety of different account builds (inquisitor pure/1 def pure/void pure + a FTP Pure)
    How did you hear about us?  Discord
    What makes you want to join us? i've always seen WG's featured in various videos/posts and always been interested in joining, now i'm making this zerker my 'Main' i wanna get in with a decent PK'ing clan as nothing excites me more than bloodshed in the wilderness
    Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes
    Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: 
  4. love
    Kvws reacted to am a panda in [Accepted] Kvws   
    Welcome to WG! Look forward to gaming with you.
    Most of our PKing is in the main bracket though as a heads up and you may find being on a lower level account you get targeted pretty early on  smashing out high level ToA on a zerker certainly impressive though! 
    Wait 24h, head back to our discord (discord.gg/wg), find the channel #osrs-app-review, type "!review" and then link your application  Wait the full 24h or you'll find the app managers get grumpy with you  
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