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    Anewtonuti got a reaction from Ghost Sabre in [Accepted] Anewtonuti   
    Please join our Discord server and read the #joining_wg channel to see the final step in the process.
    What is your current RS name? Anewtonuti
    List any previous RS names: Newtonuti
    The Ruler99 (Used this up until around 2009)
    What is your total level and combat level?
    97 Combat currently.

    What Timezone are you in? GMT
    Tell us about your RuneScape account and history.
    Where to begin! I started playing RS around about 2003, a few months before RS2 was released. I began playing with some old school mates.

    The first clan I joined was called Dark Legion, which was a community/pking clan. We were never really a huge clan, but had an awesome core of GMT based members. Eventually our leader Acemcdonut, decided to disband the clan, resulting in every single member moving over to the very first version of The Titans, back when they were an 85+ combat clan. I absolutely loved my time there, participating in the Dragonwood and then resulting Rune Raiders wars, as well as mini-wars against top 10 clans such as DI and TD. PKing with max ops of levels 80/90's was always amusing!

    I quit Titans initially when I joined the RAF in real life, with training etc taking priority. However after training I found a bit of spare time and rejoined just before The Man One was made leader. When TMO closed TT mainly due to the mass migration to DF, the rest of us moved over as well.

    Eventually however due to deployments etc, I quit RS again, up until I discovered OSRS in about 2017, when a mate at work (I'd since left the RAF and was working as a maintenance engineer for Jaguar Land Rover) mentioned he'd started playing. I began playing religiously, eventually joining Vanguard where I met a few people I still consider friends today. VnG however began moving deeper and deeper into US Time zones, resulting in a lot of GMT aand European based memebrs leaving. I made the decision to leave VnG, remaining as a clan friend, and eventually quit RS again due to having no kind of community.

    About 1 year ago I restarted playing OSRS, setting up my current account and have been enjoying playing casually.
    Tell us about your clan history.

    Tell us about your yourself.
    Hi folks! My name's Andy, I'm 36 and live in Birmingham, England. I'm originally from Scunthorpe, however moved down to the West Mids for work.

    I joined the RAF when I was 19 years old and spent 7 and a half years fixing aircraft and travelling the world. I met my now ex, and decided to leave the RAF due to spending too much time out the country (big mistake leaving, but it is what it is now) and joined Jaguar Land Rover as a maintenance engineer. About a year ago, I left JLR and joined Walkers Chocolates as a Maintenance Team Leader, and recently promoted to Maintenance Supervisor.

    I love my football (Scunthorpe United), golf, music (anything except country) and cooking.
    How did you hear about us?  Known about WG for years!
    What makes you want to join us? WG has always been a good, honest clan with a good community, and that's what I want.
    Do you agree to the rules and requirements of WG and understand that this is an honour clan? Yes
    Come clean about anything that may deter us from accepting you: I've never even been muted, nevermind banned.
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